***Very OT*** CHRISTMAS ***OT***

That must be a relief to all and sundry! lol! People seem to be going nuts around here with lighting up their houses. What about light pollution, and burning all that extra energy?

I must say I hate all the light pollution we get these days - unless you`re really out in the wilds you can`t see the night sky like you used to. Much prefer to be able to see the stars.

Pat P

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Pat P
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Lighten up, Mirjam! TM may not have been polite, but she did not use "foul language" in my NSHO!!There has been a lot worse, and there will continue to be some "less than perfect" posts, when someone is upset. Just like in a conversation face to face! Inasmuch as "where are manners?", may be it is somewhat unmannered of you to call other people to task?

May you have a peaceful Hannukah, and may 2006 bring tolerance to all!


Mirjam Bruck-Cohen wrote:

Reply to
Gill Murray

Tolerance!! Gillian starts with speaking softer words,,, I could not believe that Tia Mary`s expression came from a Grown Up`s key board ...When kids use this language we call them to stop ... Time and again i said my understanding that After using Such words it is easier for people to become Violent ... unlike you i think that many people here Use just the fact that We are Not face to face and use words they would not use in Face to face meeting. The world will look nicer when we all speak nicer words ,,, Happy hollidays and Happy New 2006 .... mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Hi Pat,

I have a request for you. If you ever decide to write a light hearted, positive note, would you mind very much stating that in the subject line.

For the last few weeks you haven't had anything good to say about any subject and even though you try to make a joke of it, it's still saying nothing good. I am curious as to why you think saying it with a smile and a silly remark makes it okay to say anything you please and at anyone's expense.

Even something as interesting as the house with lights set to music by a happy, functional family, and set to go on only for a few hours in the evening so it doesn't annoy people with music that's silent to anyone who chooses not to hear it, brings you to say there's light pollution.

Are you at all happy with anything these days or is the whole world set out to annoy you in one way or the other?


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Reply to
Brenda Lewis

"Lucille" wrote

In general I`m very happy, and find something to laugh at in most things, but I`m also VERY concerned about the environment, which is going to Hell on a handcart! If you find a house with lights set to music so fascinating, you must be hard up for excitement! Talk about pots and kettles - you are usually the most miserable old cow I`ve ever come across! LOL! Just block me, Lucille, as I often do you. I won`t wish you a merry Christmas because that might offend your petty little soul. In fact I hope your pipes burst!

Get knotted.

Pat P

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Pat P

Gee--a little constructive criticism seems to go a long way. Just a tad defensive, aren't you?

It's always so nice when someone wishes you bad things and it makes them look so endearing to others. Do not for a moment forget that what goes around, comes around.

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True - but when you see some of the VAST displays, with neighbour trying to outdo neighbour, (as seems to happen!)at what must be a pretty hefty waste of money (which could better go with those hated veggies to Africa) perhaps, it seriously makes makes you think. Yes they look lovely, and yes they`re amusing but .......

It wasn`t quite so bad when there was only the occasional house that had really gone to town, often to raise money for some charity or other, but now it`s getting completely out of hand. We passed a house only the other night with TWELVE santas and a couple of snowmen all over it and in the front garden and not one but THREE "sleighs" - the whole front garden was completely full and the house was covered! And that`s certainly not the only one around here, and they don`t seem to be on for just a FEW hours, but often all night. I`ve been to the postbox at about 2 am and seen them still on, at any rate.

It seems as though it`s only a couple of weeks since the "November 5th" fireworks stopped - and they`d been going on for a month. No doubt we`ll be having a week or so of them after Christmas and into the New Year. That`s been happening since the Millennium. I love fireworks, but not every night for a month!

We`re always being nagged to use less fuel to try to combat global warming (in fact we do try to be very efficient with our shopping and go out on alternate days instead of every day, combining journeys when possible). We use low wattage lightbulbs and turn the heating down when at all possible and cook several meals at once and freeze them. It`s not much, but every little helps. It`s the same with water - we use rainwater butts to water the garden. I just hate unneccessary WASTE. I recycle as much as possible, too.

Unfortunately, I suppose that the excuse for the parking lots is probably more a matter of security - a lit area not being so inviting for ne`er-do-wells.

There was some talk of shading the big lights so they DON`T shine skywards, but it doesn`t really seem to make a lot of difference. Not enough, at any rate. We just don`t get those deep, dark nights any more - and, as you say, the Milky Way and meteor showers are rarely seen, unless you`re really out in the wilds.

Reply to
Pat P

No, I`m sorry I said that about your pipes! We`ve had those! As for that silly saying, I`m afriad that it rarely happens! (touch wood).

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

Now Pat!!!You know better than that, old friend !! Something must have got your knickers (oops I typed knockers!!)in a twist because I consider you and Lucille both my friends, and you both say what is on her mind. Maybe not grammatical, but I am the designated "Elf of Peacemakers" ( not needling!) LOL

Have a toddy ( no, a piece of chocolate) and smell the ???? ( roses is inappropriate this time of year, but mine are lovely!)_


Pat P wrote:

Reply to
Gill Murray

Sorry Gill, you can`t help your friends!!! LOL!

I do have roses out, by the way - and fuchsias and clematis, but from the forecast they won`t be there much longer. They`ve no right to be there at all in December!

Difficult when two of you have friends who loathe each other, but I don`t get involved between them or take sides! That`s cost me a good friend recently, which is sad, but it`s not fair to expect anyone to take sides.

Don`t tempt me with the chocolate - I`m having to be a bit careful at the moment as my kidney function is a bit suss. I FEEL fine, anyway! (And I SOOO love dark chocolate!!!)

I never noticed your pointy ears on that photo, by the way! ;-))

Pat P

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Pat P

Reply to
Karen C - California

Thanks Gill for trying but after reading Pat's incoherent response, I don't know that even a sweet Elf of Peacemakers is enough to change the way either of us think.

Oh well!!!


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Incoherent? It was perfectly clear to anyone with an atom of intelligence.


Pat P

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Pat P

Or to put it in words of one syallable, if you have two friends who loathe each other - just don`t get in the middle as it`s a waste of time. We can`t all love the same people, even if it does make life easier.

Pat P

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Pat P

Another insult. Since you persist in insulting me, I will reach back to my childhood, which is apparently the only kind of vernacular you can really understand, and tell you to go take a long walk off a short pier. It's something we said to each other when we were really exasperated with each other's lack of understanding, way back when I was young and lived in the uneducated, unsophisticated wilds of Brooklyn, NY in the United States.

I expect that next you will be lying on the floor kicking and screaming and throwing the kind of tantrum that's usual for little out of control kids.

I just love your extraordinarily intelligent use of language when you got pissed and it's fun to see you act like a spoiled brat.

Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.


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Reply to
Brenda Lewis

I really do have to laugh over this one!!! I said someone would bitch about something and told them to urinate up a rope and this FOUL language will lead to people becoming violent! What IS the world coming to?!?!?!? Do you suppose accusing Mirjam of being full of Bovine Scat would lead to WW3. Methinks the "over the top" response here is likely due to the fact that M was in agreement with Ericka and so M is now incensed that I would dare to have harsh words for someone whose opinion she agreed with. Hell's Bell's, I wasn't disagreeing with Ericka's opinion, just the fact that her post bore no relation to what she was responding to in the first place!! Mirjam, what you don't seem to realize is that I would tell you to go urinate up a rope -- and TO YOUR FACE -- if I thought you would understand the silliness of the statement! I mean, really, I don't know anyone -- not even someone of the male persuasion -- who could actually accomplish the physical feat. Which is the very reason for using the term in the first place!!! Talk about trying to nail Jell-O to a tree -- LOLOL!!!! I should know better than to try and discuss anything other than needlework stuff with Mirjam -- EVERYTHING gets lost in the translation :-))). CiaoMeow >^;;^<

Reply to
Tia Mary

Don't b;ame you. We aren't the kn*cker police!! LOLOL


Brenda Lewis wrote:

Reply to
Gill Murray

Thank you Lucille , I was about to ask the same question , and you do it much better than me .. mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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