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Pat in Virginia
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I had bought so much... I think hubby would put me in front of the firing squad if I make mention of fabric shopping again.... lol


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Barbara Sherrill

It was so funny here.....

we went out for dinner after I got home from the Show on Saturday. We are standing in line at the restaurant and another couple walk in behind us. She is holding quilting magazines and my daughter exclaims, "Look Mom! Another quilter!" Of course I turn around and ask, "Have you been at Festival all day too?" Of course! So we proceeded to share notes while our husbands commiserated. Then she asks, out loud, in front of my husband, "So how much did YOU spend at Festival?" You're kidding right? You really expect me to answer that question right now? Right here? In front of the husband and kids?

Yet another fine result of International Quilt Festival. Even going out to dinner in Katy, at the end of the day, I meet yet another fine quilty lady, make a new quilty friend and have a new quilty date to go take classes at the LQS with!

Ain't life wonderful?

Hugs, Tina

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Well, after a less than cheerful weekend, all I can say is "thank goodness the store has more chocolate". Can't wait to visit, though.

Hanne > LOL! Among other fantastic purchases, I bought two FQ of Goofy Cat

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Hanne Gottliebsen

Ahhhhhhhh, Yes. A once in a lifetime experience : ) Tuckered me out so that it will have to be once in a lifetime but it was sooooooooo worth it : ) Had to have naps after each day's excursion and a LONGGGGG one yesterday even after sleeping most of the night before and I'm still beat....but it's a GOOD tired.

Both flights were held up--going down-- by an ER flight coming in and then again upon leaving--- they couldn't get the walkway to return to the base adn then teh water 'quit working'. First class made it palatable as they came by offering water, etc, and nibbles whilst we waited...and it was only $200.00 more.

Stayed by Navy Niece's and were grandly entertained by Great Niece--a very well behaved 2 yr old that LOVED peek-a-boo and learning how to make a car go 'zoom' on the floor.

Fri, we checked out the quilts until I couldn't go anymore (all of 2 hours--then a 2 hour nap and in bed by 8:30 PM my time) skipped the dolls (sorry, Nancie) and mini quilts. LOVED a few of the normal sized ones and wondered "why" on a few others. Didn't get up close and personal with any as we just didn't have time. Went thru the entire 2nd/3rd floor of them which was less crowded. Didn't see RCTQ'ers for lunch so we ate in the hall where the Cafe was. Did talk to Sandy F on the phone who said Sat was lunch date and Fri was dinner--knew I couldn't do Fri evening.

Sat, we circled the Lunchroom--then DS and Mom circled and didn't see any RCTQ'ers. So we ate with Sandi and Mom, Tricia and DH and SHARED the chocolates that I brought from AZ for Pat W and left......and lo and behold just as we turned to leave the eating area, I spotted an RCTQ name tag :) AHA!!!!!!!! What fun to meet and get a LOT of hugs--I missed Nancie's so (((( HERE'S YOUR HUG :) )))). Didn't get to visit much but was spotty eyed for a bit from all the pix: Now to 'see' them.....

Then DS and went shopping--we had a 'contest' betwixt ourselves as to whom could spend the most $$$$$$$.$$...we were nip and tuck until we went upstairs for a break and snack..were stopped by the Cactus Quilts vendor who LOVED my SW tote....got to talking and after eating headed on down to her site : ) She even moved the tables so I could get in with the scooter ; ) Course that really helped spend $$$$---actually got a BOM of Cactus Prickles AND that put me WAY AHEAD of DS on spending (hehehehehee). I know exactly where it'll go in our new house. DS liked it so much he has *threatened* to have his GF help make it Yes, she is a quilter, also. He picked a few pieces up for her after a phone call....is he trained or what He helped me look for what I set out for and I did the same for him. Sure enjoyed shopping with him.

Butterfly (off to fondling and showing DH what we brought home. He is back to his ownself albeit a bit sore.)

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