Newbee !

Hi All,

I am a lurker who enjoys your posts and seeing the general good will and friendships that lives here.

The only quilting I have ever done is Irish Chain baby quilt by machine 20 years ago. I do have a desire to do a quilt for my bed but I am not betting that it will ever happen.

My reason for coming out of the shadows is that I am in the middle of "cleaning out". I have a lot of material I am not yet ready to part with but did come across a little pile of cottons and cotton polyesters (large scraps etc.) that could be used in one of those patchwork type quilts if anyone in Bergen Cty NJ or Rockland Cty NY is interested.

I just realized that I also have scraps of Brown plaid flannel (probably poly mix) that someone was looking for the other day.

Material is free. Just let me know when you can pick it up. If anyone is interested email me.

Meanwhile I will continue to loiter and enjoy your good natured humor and friendships and send my good wishes and blessings your way.


(replace at and dot)


Park Ridge, NJ

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Hi, Lee, and thanks for delurking!

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Kathy Applebaum

Hullo Lee and welcome. We enjoy meeting' lurkers!

Perhaps you might pop in more now that you have dipped your toe in the water? . In message , Lee writes

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Welcome, Lee, you're free to lurk all you want but it's good to hear from you now and then. Drop in whenever you have the time and inclination--the coffee is always on!

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Carolyn McCarty

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 22:26:47 -0400, Carolyn McCarty wrote (in article ):

Thank you All for the grand welcome.

I read this NG every day because it is the nicest NG I have found on Usenet. Since I do not have anything to contribute about quilting I will mostly continue to lurk and learn.



Park Ridge, NJ

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Welcome! Your bed quilt could become reality. Doesn't have to be finished all at once. But it won't ever be finished if it isn't started. Just make a block now and then, you can always find 20 minutes here and there. And if you don't start obsessing about deadlines, but just keep plugging away, you'll look at the stack of blocks a couple or 3 years from now and realize it's enough! Roberta in D

"Lee" schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:Qby3k.1523$WH.666@trndny05...

Reply to
Roberta Zollner

....and a hot cuppa tea is always just a click of the jug away here. (that was for Carolyn, lol).

hey Lee, welcome and as for 'noth> Thank you All for the grand welcome.

"Carolyn McCarty" wrote...

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Lee: Thanks for popping in to say hi, and to offer some fabric. If no one claims it, a local quilt group might want it for donation quilts. Now, I'd just like to say Welcome to the Land of RCTQ. As you've noticed, we do have fun here, no moderator, no rules. The only thing you really need to know is that it is very wise to have your chocolate vetted. Just send a pound or two to the Office of the Official Chocolate Taster of RCTQ, which is in my Palace here in Virginia. I will test and taste and report back via email. You don't have to thank me ... this is my unselfish volunteer duty in RCTQ. A tough job, but someone's gotta do it. :)

Pat In Virginia/USA

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Pat in Virginia

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 17:52:09 -0400, Pat in Virginia wrote (in article ):

Hi Pat In Virginia,

Geez, I feel right at home here after only a day. Yes, you all do have fun but I think you do have one unwritten rule about the "leading on" of trolls. The end result of this rule/treatment is a source of much laughter for this lurker.

Pat, I am so sorry to have to disappoint you about the chocolate. I know how diligent you are and how very important this volunteer job is to you and how everybody depends on you to vet their chocolate but the doctors won't let me have any. Of course, they don't let me have anything good so occasionally I just go nuts and buy myself a chocolate bar (or bag of chips). Anyway that kind of chocolate is not worth the vetters time or taste buds and usually doesn't make it home from the store. I must also tell you that my major downfall is salt so you see not much chance of chocolate from this direction. I will keep you in mind in the event the easter bunny stops by here off season or Willie Wonka strays into my yard. Now, if you start vetting those cheetos or corn chip scoops (all forbidden), I can send you some of them along with the salsa.

BTW, I looked locally for a Quilting group before offering the fabrics here. It is only a small stack of fabrics I purchased for doll clothes but I will not throw it away so that fabric will eventually find a home.



(replace "at" and "dot")

Park Ridge, NJ

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On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:01:05 -0400, Roberta Zollner wrote (in article ):

Thank you for the welcome, Roberta.

Someday I might sit down and do it?? The major holdback is that I can not find fabrics that I like. I was looking for different prints in shades of dark red and dark blue and a white floral for an Irish chain Quilt.

I really like that Seattle Sunset quilt so I may go in that direction. I have so many things I want to do that chances of getting back to sewing, after all these years, is slim. So, I will continue to lurk here and look for fabrics I like.

Do you all think we will ever get past "ugly"?



Park Ridge, NJ

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On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:01:05 -0400, Roberta Zollner wrote (in article ):

BTW, I forgot! Thank you for your encouragement.



Park Ridge, NJ

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" Roberta Zollner" wrote...

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Carole-Retired and Loving It

Hi Lee (and any others who do not personally eat chocolate) You will probably want to have a small but select selection of chocolate on hand to offer quilters and other friends. That chocolate will need to be vetted, so go ahead and mail some to me .... but wait until December. It was

110 heat index here yesterday!!
Reply to
Pat in Virginia

oops, cant find your link for the newbee to see.

those extra 5 blocks might fit across the pillows on the bed? with sashing should fit anyhow, well somehow, just my first thot. how about a long skinny wallhanging for above the head of the bed or several cushions or one 4 block and 2 single smaller cushions or 3 blocks on the wall, 2 cushion covers how about making them into a long bolster cover, then ya'd need a bolster. easy to make one of those tho. i've a few in the house i made, stuffed with large-ish foam chips bought by the bagload. so many coordinated things those could make. sorry, i think outloud, fwiw. j.

"Carole-Retired and Lov> Thank you kindly! I'm also waiting with final breath to

"nzlstar*" wrote:

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Golly, I have trouble finding fabrics I don't like! And on the rare occasions I get to shop in a LQS in the US (I live in Germany), I often end up buying next to nothing because it's just too hard to choose. Although I DO usually order a whole pile of fabric online and have it sent to wherever I'm staying, just to be on the safe side :-) Roberta in D

"Lee" schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:%VZ3k.2369$Jj1.1776@trndny02...

Reply to
Roberta Zollner

Roberta: Yep! I very rarely meet a fabric I do not like! -- Here is what I do when visiting A Very Big Show or Store, where the choice may be overwhelming: I plan ahead to seek a few specific items. I make a list such as: "Neutral FQ for B's quilt" and "Several Dark Green in one yard cuts." This focuses me and lessens the chance of being immobilized by the selection. I DO allow myself to browse all around, but I do have the list to keep myself grounded.

Pat in Virginia

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Pat in Virginia

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On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 21:12:45 -0400, Pat in Virginia wrote (in article ):

LOL, I can picture how the box of Chocolates would look and what the mail man would have to say "if" the chocolate got to your house.I say if because the box could be way layed by some National Security (?) agency investigating the strange brown substance that is all over everything between here and Virginia.

We could hit the news as home grown terrorists so suggestion we wait until it is cooler a good one.



Park Ridge, NJ

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On Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:22:48 -0400, Elly D wrote (in article ):

Hi, glad to meet you all.

Have you all ever had a "chocolate bee"? Now, that sounds interesting and right up Pat in Virginia's alley. We could all vet the chocolate. Of course we would have to upgrade our qualifications. All sounds good (in so many ways) to me.



Park Ridge, NJ

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