OT EQ5 file problems

I've visited the new EQ forums, but another member's solution didn't help.

I've always been able to double-click on a PJ5 file and it would then open in EQ5. Can't do that anymore. I get an error message that says "C:\Documents cannot be found." I get the option to send a message to Microsoft (no comments about getting a MAC instead please), and it indicates something about an MFC file.

Anyone else having this problem? Or have you found a solution?

Thanks in advance.

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Kay Ahr
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Gosh, Kay, I hope you get this solved soon. If it helps any, I've learned something from your post. Just on a whim, I tried double-clicking on one of my EQ6 files, and what do you know? It opened right up! I didn't realize it would do that. No big deal, you say? Well, remember I was clicking on it from my Mac OS -- my emulator promptly opened, and so did EQ6 with the selected file! Wow! :D

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It's just more of an inconvenience than anything else. I can still open EQ5 first, then open the PJ5 files from within the application.

I can still double-click on PJ6 files and have EQ6 automatically open.

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Kay Ahr

Try this... Right-click on the PJ5 file and select "Open with..." You will get a list of programs that can open the file. Select the program you want to use to open it and check "always use this program for this file type" (or similar words).

Julia in MN

----------- This message has been scanned for viruses by Norton Anti-Virus


Kay Ahr wrote:

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Julia in MN

It still tells me, "C:\Documents cannot be found."

I'm not the only EQ user who has had the problem. One person tracked her problem to a Microsoft Security Update. I removed the update as she had, but I still have the problem. She removed the update and had no problem. Installed the update again and had the problem. Removed the update and had no problem. (Great scientific method there!)

Maybe restarting my computer was not enough. Maybe I actually have to turn it off then back on.

Reply to
Kay Ahr

What on earth is an PJ5 file? I've been online for 12 years and never heard of it.

.......... and it would then open in EQ5.

And what is EQ5?

Can't do that anymore. I get an error message that says

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Marie Dodge

I was told that should be done every 24 to 48 hours if you leave it running

24/7/365. My PC is shut off at night.
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Marie Dodge

I routinely shut it off when I leave for school in the morning and when I got to bed. Except on weekends when I don't go to work.

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Kay Ahr

EQ is Electric Quilt -- a quilt design program. The files created by Electric Quilt are PJ (for project) then the version number of the software. PJ5 is for Electric Quilt version 5. PJ6 is for Electric Quilt version 6. Funny, I have no problem double-clicking on PJ6 files and having them open.

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Kay Ahr

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I have the same problem. It started some time after I had installed EQ6 (not immediately) so I had just assumed that it was not an EQ issue and left it at that.

In my case if I double click a PJ5 file - not found message you are getting

If I dc a PJ6 file - it opens in EQ6

If I right click a PJ5 file and select open with EQ5 - no joy, not found message again

If I right click a PJ5 file and select open with EQ6 - PJ5 files open in EQ6.

That started me wondering if it was an issue between EQ5 and EQ6. But either way, I have to open EQ5 and search for my files from there, or I have to use EQ6 (and convert all files to EQ6 format - probably not so bad now they have addressed some of the issues they had back when it was firts released).

Many of my EQ files are very detailed applique designs, and EQ5 was far more "forgiving" about stray lines in blocks. So I often had lines to mark block centres or diagonals on my EQ5 files. If I try to open them in EQ6 I get error messages and I have to go through every single block and version to remove the "unclosed shape" before I can use the file in EQ6. There were some nice things about EQ5 that I miss in EQ6.

And I still HATE their limited installation system (I have used all mine already!!). If they really wanted protection against piracy - perfectly understandable - why couldn't they have introduced a USB dongle like the one I have to use for my digitizing software?

But I digress, and I promised not to rant anymore about EQ6 and it's "issues"

I hope you get an answer, but in the meantime - would you mind converting all the EQ5 formats to EQ6 as you open them? I won't change mine because I want to keep some of my marking lines, but if you have mostly pieced designs that might not be an issue.

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Having read through all the other answers, I'm inclined to think this is at least in part a windows problem, unless you've made other changes I've not picked up on. I'm happy to ask my DH (he's a microsoft employee and in the relevant group). So I need to get specific details.

Which version of windows are you using? Between last being able to do this and now have you made any EQ related changes, such as reinstall, upgrade etc. Do you currently have EQ5 installed? EQ6? Have you made any changes with virus/spyware software?

Cheers Anne

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Anne Rogers

EQ6 does not overwrite EQ5 on installation. Both programs remain independently functional. I don't think they share anything in common.

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I'm running Windows XP Media Center Edition on a DELL.

I have part of it figured out -- EQ5 suddenly doesn't like file names or folder names with spaces. I have uninstalled and installed several times this afternoon. Finally had it put My EQ5 at the root of C and called it MyEQ5 -- no spaces. I could double-click on files from there and they would open as long as they had no spaces in the names.

Reply to
Kay Ahr

Have you tried asking the info-EQ list? Penny and her crew usually have an solution to almost any problem. Join here.

formatting link
I think the message boards on the website were closed due to trolls. Though maybe they have solved that by now. Good luck!

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That's where I went first. Someone else had already asked the question back before the forums were shut down. One person had issues with a Microsoft Security Update.

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Kay Ahr

Are you a member of the list? You can ask the question again and get up to date assistance. Much better than trying to research the archives.

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Yes, I'm a member of the list. Everyone had to reregister. The question had been posted before the forums were shut down and answered when the new forums came up.

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Kay Ahr

I see. I hope you get it figured out. I get a daily digest of the eq list....the shut down of the forum didn't have anything to do with the daily messages. If all else fails....call Penny!

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