OT - up the wall

Legs itching so bad going nuts! AAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!

desparate Queen, needs prayers of relief

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Karen, Queen of Squishies
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Virtual calamine lotion on the way!


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But, Karen, my dear. Why? Unless your legs are in casts or wool tights, there ought to be some good things you can apply for relief. You're not sunburned, are you? No. Most unlikely. Are you bathing with water that's too hot? That can get you. Or maybe a soap made for dry skin? Some of them can really do some miserable harm. We use the cheapest bar the $s store sells. No secret ingredients or perfumes that cause us to long for flea collars. Neutrogena body oil (it's a light-weight sesame) is gentle, so are Eucerin cream and many of the plain old Jergens. Gently apply a coast of whatever you have - and soon after that - put on another coat. No vigorous rubbing, even if that feels good temporarily. And, Karen? It's okay if you're nuts. You will be in very good company. Polly

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Polly Esther

One more thought. Have you changed what you use to launder clothes as well as sheets and towels? Now and then, our laundry detergent folks will decide to add something new and improved that makes us miserable. An extra rinse with a hefty splash of vinegar will sometimes solve that one. Polly

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Polly Esther

I can't get through a container of Tide before we are itchy here. We get about 3/4 of the way through and that is it. Not sure about the newer fragrance free ones since I stay away from the stuff these days.

I hope you are done being itchy pretty quick Karen. You might need some sort of distraction. Maybe some fabric shopping (LQS or online) or shoes or something fun like that. Hugs, TAria

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Karen, call your doctor quickly if you haven't already. Mad itching in both legs isn't a good thing, and certainly isn't normal. Let us know what is going on..... in the meantime, if the itching is external, Prep. H gives a lot of instant temporary relief to irritated skin, as do the Prep H wipes. Very gentle and soothing. If the itching is internal, call dr. quicker.

Sunny, sending prayers in the meantime.

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Benadryl - lotion as well as the pill, it works for all incredible itches. Please don't ask me how I know!! But trust me, it works.


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Oil of Olay makes this shower lotion stuff that really helps me. After you're clean, just put some of this stuff on a pouf and go over the itchy bits. You rinse it off and you don't feel sticky. I can't stand to put lotion on my legs. DD slathers herself up all the time with lotion and she has the softest skin. I try it and in ten minutes I'm washing it off.


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I agree that Benadryl is a wonderful thing but please DO talk to your doctor before taking it - or anything else for that matter.


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Rita L in MA

Awwww, Karen! I wish there were something more immediate that I could do for you, but I'm sending my best anti-itch wishes for you.

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Do call your doctor, especially if you are taking a new medicine. It could be an allergy to a drug, so please call and speak to your doctor!!

Critter Comforts: Quilts for Homeless Animals

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Jill -Critter Comforts

Careful with this. My doctor said one or the other (lotion or pill) but not both as it's easy to overdose. Apparently the lotion really gets absorbed into your system and doesn't just sit on the surface.


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Marcella Peek


Have you tried Sarna anti itch lotion? I can barely stand the smell but it does offer some relief. I think it comes in an unscented version but I haven't found that lately. I also use a soap that I get from the pharmacy called Oilatum.

I hope you get relief soon, I know how painful this can be.


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Judie in Penfield NY

This morning the Dr. said yes, it does look like drive-you-up-the-wall itching. He gave me the right antihistamine to take, not the over the counter one I had at home. And I can continue to use Musicmaker's Magic Anti-Itch oil she made using snail tails, something-or-other, gooby-gobbies, and love. I am getting relief now. Whew! Thank you all ever so much,

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

My first rib on the right side was tangled up all crookedy, and he fixed that too. With all that tension in there, it's no wonder I went right up the wall when the itching got bad. Was probably halfway up there already! lol Feeling ever so much better now. And heading for a nice relaxed long well-earned nap.

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

So glad you've reported back in for us. It does disturb me when one of us in trouble and we don't hear from you. As you well know, it is not good for me to be disturbed. Especially when the floods have caused 50 gators (more or less) to go out traveling around during the floods and mating season. Polly

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Polly Esther

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What a relief it must be, Karen! I know itching can literally drive a person nuts.

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My dad once did everything he could think of to get rid of dry itchy skin. I had forgotten until I told my mom that my husband was going crazy with winter itchy skin that never went away.

She told me that when dad went to the doctor the doctor asked if he was using irish spring soap. Yes. He stopped and the itching stopped. I told mom I always bought that for my husband. Sure enough I switched Pat to my soap and he has almost stopped the dry horribly itchy skin.

We had to laugh- could have solved this fast enough for him.

When I have trouble and the doctor and I eliminate all my med, health problems etc. I use oatmeal in a guaze bag. Works every time to ease the itchl. Cannot tell you how much I used during the shingle outbreak! It is the same as aveno but a lot cheaper (aveno is ground up oatmeal basically.)

Gla you got the antihistamine and equally glad it is working.

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I noticed that I seemed to get especially itchy all over right after doing laundry and putting clean sheets on the bed. I switched laundry detergent (for another reason). I had been using the cheapest stuff I could find. I switched to Seventh Generation Free and Clear. It made a big difference. The last few bottles have been HE. You use very little

-- less than 1/4 capful, so it lasts a long time -- good thing, too, because it is rather pricey. It's not petroleum based, so should be "greener", too.

Julia > My dad once did everything he could think of to get rid of dry itchy

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Julia in MN

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