OT: Update on the hubby (long)

Thank you SO much to all of you for your kind thoughts and prayers! I know that ya'll have your own problems and issues to deal with and it means so much that you would spare the time and emotional energy (not to mention the physical energy of posting) to send us good thoughts!

Hubby got home (finally) Friday morning .... he was supposed to get home Thursday at 7 PM, but they "lost" him and he ended up missing a connecting flight, so they rerouted him to another airport. So I went two counties over and was able to pick him up at 11PM, getting us home at around 2 AM.

Thankfully, they did provide him with a wheelchair at 2 of the three airports - one (and this is something that I hope ya'll NEVER let the airports get away with) just pretty much took him to his gate in a wheelchair and dumped him off - leaving him NO way to make his flight. Hubby didn't complain of course, just did his best to hobble to the ramp (and didn't make it, of course). :(

Anyway, since it happened on the job, we've got no choice but to use Worker's Comp - which, if anyone here has ever used it, knows that NO doctor takes it (too much risk of liability - and Workers Comp rarely ever pays their bills on time). We were happy to pay for it out of our pocket (so hubby could receive care locally AND reliably) even if it meant declaring bankruptcy, but apparently, we can't do that - it would be considered "fraud."

So after spending all day at the ER (who DOES accept WC), and finding out that we're more than likely looking at an ACL AND MCL tear, we've been re-routed to Dothan, AL (about 3 hours away) to see a specialist. This fellow is supposed to be one of the best, but with all the red tape and poop associated with WC, we're concerned that if hubby DOES need surgery, WC will make us wait at least 2 months (the average time it takes to authorize surgery). In the meantime, it will be all physical therapy.

Meanwhile, I've been offline taking care of my dear sweet hubby - he's stubborn, and is doing his best to do things himself (which is just furthering the damage, of course) but I've been gone trying to make sure he can get better. He's actually going into work later today (yep, I told you that's how he is) - saying that if he doesn't, about 10 people will be unemployed next year (he's fighting for his funding for his projects - which employ roughly 30 people - so budget cuts means only a few of those people will still have a job). So like as not, I've got to take him (he can't drive, of course). I know the majority of those people and I couldn't sit by and let them lost their jobs, either. Not to mention that if I DIDN'T take him, he'd find a way to get there - even if it meant hobbling the 3 miles. :/

One GOOD thing that has come out of this is that everyone associated with the boat he fell off of is SCARED poopless. I'm not sure if we could actually sue them and make their lives difficult (which we're not of a mind to, anyway) - but I don't know if THEY know that. So perhaps, someone will get the message and install a stupid ladder on the boats so this doesn't happen again. Until then, I'm being pretty mouthy about the situation hoping that that's what will happen.

FTR, I think the damage to his leg was caused by the fact that he fell a good four feet - and weighs about 300+ lbs. Can you imagine the force and momentum when he landed on his knee???? I shudder to think about it. :(

Anyway, thank you so much for the kind thoughts and vibes! We've been feeling them!!

Love & quilty hugs to you all!! :)

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Connie I hope your DH is able to get good care for that injury. It unfortunately can lead to permanent problems if not remedied quickly and correctly.

Since this happened "on the job", but was overseas, is OSHA still liable? Since the company is based in US, that may be why they are nervouse about the ramifications. OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] is usually th governing body for workplace safety. The company could lose big time in the form of fines/lawsuits, and if they knew they were supposed to have something in place and didn't, it oculd cost them a license.

Send> Thank you SO much to all of you for your kind thoughts and prayers! I

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Ginger in CA

On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 12:49:49 -0500, Connie wrote (in article ):

Hoping everything works out. And that you can convince DH to slow down a little.


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Maureen Wozniak

Connie, I'm glad to hear that your DH made it home relatively safely and that you're on track to get things worked out. I hope his surgery will take place as soon as possible and that the PT will help enormously.

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Eh, OSHA has been defunded to the point that they've got no teeth. And even if a company KILLS an employee, they often don't even receive a fine.

I wouldn't even hesitate to file a lawsuit. Why would you? The company who owns the boat didn't do anything to make it safe for your husband.

The only thing they are afraid of is their bottom line and they aren't going to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. They are only going to do the right thing if they are forced to do it.


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*sigh* That's our BIGGEST worry ... we'd go into bankruptcy if we had to (or even had the choice) because he's in so much pain it's unreal. And until now, he's led a VERY active lifestyle. Hiking, camping with the Cub Scouts, running/jogging, biking ... you name it, he does it. The biggest loss will be if he can't SCUBA dive anymore. He's been certified since 10 years old - so that'd be about 30 years. SCUBA diving is to HIM what quilting is to US. :/

Workers Comp just takes so long to authorize treatment - we're lucky in our case, somehow his employer is pushing everything through (probably because they ARE scared that we'll sue). It should have taken us two weeks to get the appointment we have tomorrow - but instead, the HR person @ hubby's work made it for the next business day.

Okay, that's where it gets hazy ... he was there (in the UK) for OUR US Navy, working to collect test data for BOTH countries. However, it was on a UK Navy's boat that he fell. But it was a design (AFAIK) that BOTH countries had contributed to (BTW, we and they use the same boat with only a very few differences - for example, my hubby always designs in cup-holders - nope, I'm not kidding! LOL).

So no one really knows who's liable. The UK Navy? The US Navy? Or the boat builder/design firm? Or all 3? In any case, hubby's not the litigious type (though he WOULD sue over not getting the right care). To him, it's pretty much one of the risks you take in this line of work

- and he LOVES what he does.

And not to be disrespectful, but OSHA wouldn't DO anything. For the past 5 years my hubby's building has had an entire family of raccoons living in the ceiling - and they pee ALL over the place. Several co-workers have had serious ill effects from breathing in raccoon pee and complained - OSHA has done diddly-squat.

Gov offices are notorious for flouting OSHA's standards. In fact, only

7 years ago did they "get around" to removing asbestos from a friend's military office building. Meanwhile, 3 people had gotten cancer. Coincidence? Maybe. But IIRC, they passed regulations about asbestos about 30-35 years ago. And they only took care of that building 7 years ago. :/
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Yep, Cindy, my thoughts exactly. In Gov circles, OSHA's a joke - it's usually only the private companies that get nervous about OSHA. Maybe it's because they (Gov agencies like my hubby works for) and OSHA both have the same "boss?" I dunno.

The boat builder, though, is in the UK ... so I don't know how we'd sue them. And BTW, hubby is STILL working his keister off for them - believe it or not. He spent all day today preparing for a tele-conference next week (since he can't go physically) with'em.

But the thing is - even though the boats were BUILT in the UK by a private company, they were more or less designed by the UK and US government. The builder only went by specifications ... and by both gov's budgets. :/

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Thank you, Maureen! It'll all work out ... the Lord's been better to us than we deserve. And if this doesn't somehow work out? Well, it's the Lord's plan.

I've not been able to convince him of doodle squat. He spent all day working (from the couch - I told him I wasn't going to take him to the office - and I even hid his shoes & ID so HE couldn't just walk) and refuses to "be a burden" (his words, not mine).

But he HAS agreed to listen and obey the doc tomorrow. So if the doc says to keep his keister on the couch, maybe he will.

If not, there's always duct tape. :)

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Thank you, Sandy! We're concerned about the whole surgery thing ... but if it doesn't get done ASAP, we'll scream and holler (well, I will - he'll just find some reason to forgive "them"). Right now, they're bending over backwards for us ... so hopefully it'll continue. :)

But yep, I believe he'll be fine ... he's too stubborn not to! :)

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On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 20:30:52 -0500, Connie wrote (in article ):

I here you Connie! The government generally gets to flaunt the rules that everyone else has to comply with. Or worse, they exempt themselves and their employees out of the workplace rules.

Hope everyone is scared enough that hubby gets the care he needs right away.


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Maureen Wozniak

Oh, you ain't whistlin' dixie! A friend of mine's supervisor was sexually discriminating against women (never giving them raises though they out-performed the men) and just ... well, screaming at them (literally). Making comments like "Maybe you should just quit and go have babies like every woman should." Poop like that ...

They complained and it got them NO where. Finally, a man "with an alternative lifestyle" was getting picked on and HE complained. THEN they listened. :/

And speaking of OSHA .... hubby has long been an advocate for the average, everyday soldier. Once, he was almost black-balled by a contractor because he refused to let equipment pass - it was cutting FINGERS off in the testing/field stage!! Finally, he said "put a cover over the moving parts or I blow the whistle." They did. :)

So far, so good. They've been extremely proactive so far. And we HAVE gotten assurances that it'll continue. We actually have 3 more appointments this WEEK! Usually, we'd still be waiting around for the first appointment ....

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MY DH never had to wait for treatment of WC injury... of course that was years ago.


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Now, bearing in mind that this IS the gossip of our local gov employees/co-workers (who CAN be the most gossip-y and discontented bunch EVER), I've heard nothing but horror stories about WC when you're a gov employee. When you have a civilian employer, I've heard it's different ... that perhaps the civilian employer is more likely to care about you.

I think with the gov, you have so many people who are just completely worried about covering their own butt and not having to deal with the consequences - since the gov body that would mete out those consequences (like OSHA) are, really, for the most part, powerless. Kind of like one brother knowing that he can talk his daddy out of being mad that he gave his brother a good whack upside the head, you know?

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No, the civilian employer doesn't care about you either.

I loved the brother analogy. That was a good one.


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Well, true ... but they're at least supposed to *pretend* to!

We're getting good "service" so far, but I'd be the biggest fool on earth if I thought it was motivated by anything other than the threat of a lawsuit. Or worse, in gov circles, a bad employee evaluation.

Hubby's supervisor (about 3 chains of command up) calling the HR dept and harassing them on what they've done for my hubby ain't hurtin' none, I assure you. If he wasn't calling, I'd not be surprised if hubby fell off their radar.

Today, until hubby's 3rd up called and b*&^%ed her out, she told flatly told my hubby that making appts for him to see a doctor wasn't her job. Unfortunately for her, the Dept of Labor begs to differ! :)

I've always seen the different branches of the gov (and military) as little boys desperately vying for their daddy's attention. Once, on AFN (Armed Forces Network - the overseas US military channel) I saw an army fella and a navy fella duke it out - literally - over "who was the best branch of service." They looked and acted exactly like two little boys fighting over "who's dad could beat up who's dad."

*rolls eyes* It's the attitude they're taught to have. They're encouraged to have that kind of rivalry. It's even in the commercials for each branch! :/

And with regular offices/agencies of the Fed gov, it's even worse - they're always trying to "get one over on the other guy/agency." One group took an OLD (about 10 years old???) piece of equipment (and trashed it) that belonged to my hubby's group and had to buy him a brand new one - but despite having to pay a GREAT deal of money for that item, it was still a "victory" for that other group.

THAT'S how your tax dollars are being spent. :/

Can you tell I'm a bit jaded?? :)

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You know, say what you want, that's something you would never find a group of women doing.


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