Thanks, and more difficult news about Tyler

I lost a Marine friend last year - one of my best friends sons - someone I grew up with and have known all of his life. He didn't die in combat. He didn't die while defending his country or someone elses. He died right here at home after being sent back to his family by the Marines, sick. Why was he sick? Because the Marines had used him, and several of his unit, as guinea pigs. Yes, it was voluntary, yes, they made him sign a release - for a new experimental drug that was supposed to help prevent cancer one day. The cancer took his arm first, it had to be amputated. Then it took his leg and last year it took his life.

Keep quiet? They know what they are doing? Don't say anything, and don't make waves?

I feel for Tyler, and I know he has to go back in there and doesn't want any waves to deal with while he is still in. But I can assure you

- I'd have the biggest mouth on the planet if this were my son!

You have no idea what they do to these boys and what they put them through - all because THEY signed up and "volunteered" for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina, stepping down quietly fuming now

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If Connie wants to go against her sons wishes and shout it from the rooftops, then yes, by all means, I think we should all be shouting there with her. But I think we should be cautious about contacting senators and media if Connie does NOT want that. That's all I'm saying. I didn't mean we should be part of any cover-ups. I'm so sorry about your friend.

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Queen of Squishies

In this instance, like I said Karen - I do understand what it is like for Tyler, still being there and still having to face his unit. I agree with you - until Tyler is back on this side of the water and safe at home, I wouldn't want to make things worse for him either. I cried for two hours when I first read Connie's post about them sending her son back. It hurt just about as bad as watching Jason being put in the ground last year - knowing there was no recourse, knowing there was no one to "blame" and nothing we could do that would bring Jason back.

I understand Tyler and Connie's situation - but he IS still alive and if there were any way to see to it that he stays that way - I'd contact someone, anyone that could help me. Having Jason lost in combat wouldn't have been any easier than losing him here at home. But it would have been more understandable. If Taylor was lost in combat, that too would be understandable - but if he were to be lost due to infections, blood loss, or physical exhaustion just because some idiot airhead signed his release papers - I'm afraid I'D be the one killing somebody!

I'm sorry Karen - I promised myself when Connie posted her letter that I wouldn't comment on this topic because I am way too emotional about it. I wish I had kept my promise to myself. I didn't mean to step on any toes and I wouldn't want anyone to make any more trouble for Tyler or for Connie. But it just hurts so damn bad to watch someone elses son be treated as though they were indispensable, it infuriates me, it boils my blood, it makes me sick and it just makes me want to scream!

Tina - and no, I do not support Bush and I am ashamed that he comes from Texas

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Tell us more about this experimental drug progarm - this sounds like shades of the 20's (or was it 30's). How can this possibly be going on in 2005? I just don't get it. I'm sure a lot of these willing volunteers are young & not sophisticated enough to ask enough questions to know the seriousness of volunteering for such an experimental drug. Why don't they offer this to the prisoners in our jails!! Why isn't this in the news? It's too scary! Please tell us more details, so we can spread the word about this program.

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Phyllis Nilsson

Think about this. Did you see the movie Outbreak? The military has it's secrets and will do whatever it takes to protect them.

Remember the alien/spaceship scare in Roswell, New Mexico? The military has it's secrets and will do whatever it takes to protect them.

Remember all the soldiers who came back from the Gulf War with mysterious illnesses that many died from and many had babies born with deformities and the military denied the existence of Gulf War Syndrome for a long time? The military has it's secrets and will do whatever it takes to protect them.


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And his mom didn't ... I did. But it is a moot issue now - Tyler is already back in the German hospital as we speak. Seems good judgement pervailed according to Connies most recent email to the baseball swap group.

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Well Connie said it was not the CO who requested/recommended that he be moved to Afghanistan - it was the doctors in Germany. Tyler has been returned to Germany and is back in hospital there. CO asked Tyler if his mother was still mad at him.

Also Tyler provided a statement that will be used to get the Corpsman FM3 Figaroa a medal. So that young man is also being honored for his actions as well. Isn't that wonderful?

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You go girl!! You are right on track here. Sitting back and saying nothing makes you a victim. Stand up on your hind legs and holler until some one listens has always been my motto. Both Tyler and his mother can honestly say they had nothing to do with all this and I will gladly claim responsibility for bringing it to the attention of the familys home state and my home state senators. Right now the news is all about the storm but something happened and apparently happened pretty quickly because Tyler is now back in Germany and his CO wants to know if Tyler's mom is mad at him.

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And those of us from the Viet Nam era know about how they denied and covered up the side effects of agent orange.

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Phyllis Nilsson

I don't know the name of the drug. I wish I did. And I haven't talked to his parents in quite a while. The last time I spoke with his mother, was the week after we attended his fathers funeral. His father killed himself in June. He was like an uncle to me and I miss him more than words can describe.


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Phyllis Nilsson

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