OT: CT update

Mental note, if any doctor ever wants to do a "Nerve Test" on any part of your body...say no. Not fun at all! LOL I had a nerve test done on both hands this morning. I told the doctor that if I stepped on his toes I was sorry, but I kept jumping when he would shock me! I have "mild" CT in both hands, why are we not surprised? Then this afternoon I met with my hand doctor. I learned something...CT is usually seen in 40-50 year olds so being in my 30's, I'm young to have CT. Considering that, the fact I'm wearing a brace on my right hand pretty much 24 hours a day, the fact that it's not going to get any better, and the fact that the original onset was in 1996, and yours truly has surgery scheduled. Just the right hand for now, then we'll see how the left feels. Surgery is scheduled for Nov. 27th and I have to be at the hospital at 5:45 in the MORNING. I didn't know 5:45 came twice a day! LOL DH will take me there, do the driving, etc. Gotta work out something to make sure the kiddos can get to school on time, but I've got a couple ideas brewing already.

Bronchitis is gone! Yay! "And there was much rejoicing". Now I'm just dealing with my asthma and usual allergies for this time of year. But at least the yucky bronchitis is gone. So I'm definately feeling better!

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Deb in AR
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I hated that nerve test too! You will see that your hand will feel so much better right after surgery! Glad the bronchitis is finally gone too! It's not a fun thing to have!


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Good luck on your surgery, Deb! I know how you feel- I had the same nerve test, with the same results, a week ago. My surgery (left hand) is scheduled on the 29th. At least I don't have to start so unbearably early in the morning. They want me there at 9:00. But they're including my elbow. Apparently I have "tennis elbow" (never played tennis in my life), and that, too, is caused by pinched nerves and tendons. I get several days off from work for this, but what good is it if I can't scrap? Oh well. They claim I will be all better after the operation.... Which my DH has been saying for years!

Mel K

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Mel K

Good luck with both of your surgeries! Deb, glad to hear you bronchitis is gone and you are feeling better! I'm sure Everything will work out great for the both of you!


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I had that done on my arms and legs a few years ago. Yowch! I had no idea what it would involve and had brought my then-2yo along with me. He promptly went home and told my husband how I was getting "shots" at the Dr's. Thankfully they didn't find anything (I'd been having trouble with numbness in my arms and feet) but it was really uncomfortable.

I hope the results turn out ok.


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I too had this test done!! I have moderate to severe CT in Both Wrists. No surgery though. I take Vitamin B6 and B2 three times a day. I think it may be helping but I just started 2 weeks ago. I also rub Emu oil in my wrists (supposedly has anti inflammatory properties). I still have numbness in both hands! So who knows! Please let me know how you make out with the surgery! If you think it is worth it maybe I can speak with my Dr. Thanks Deb and God Bless, Dorothy in NY

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Good luck to both of you Deb and Mel. I've never had it done, but it sounds painful.

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27th=20 and I have to be at the hospital at 5:45 in the MORNING. I didn't = know 5:45=20 came twice a day! LOL DH will take me there, do the driving, etc. = Gotta=20 work out something to make sure the kiddos can get to school on time, = but=20 I've got a couple ideas brewing already.

Bronchitis is gone! Yay! "And there was much rejoicing". Now I'm = just=20 dealing with my asthma and usual allergies for this time of year. But = at=20 least the yucky bronchitis is gone. So I'm definately feeling better!

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Makes me glad that I never had mine done! lol I had a huge problem with my left hand going numb at the drop of a hat a few years ago and the Doc wanted me to see a specialist and have tests done, but we lost our insurance so I never went back... it probably wasn't carpal tunnel syndrome because it eventually mended itself (I think it was a pinched nerve in my shoulder or elbow joint...) My hand's fine nowadays. Good luck with your surgery!

I don't know about carpal tunnel being 'usually' seen in 40-50 yos - I've known plenty of young people who have it (even a couple of girls when I was in highschool!) Computers have a lot to answer for...

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Karen AKA Kajikit

Glad you are feeling better Deb.Good luck with the surgery. I'm sure your hands will feel much better afterwards. Lin

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