Home again.

I worked for a couple of architects who owned a tiny firm. Them, an apprentice and me. Swenson's (an ice cream shop) opened up downstairs. Afternoon malts quickly became a semi-weekly tradition. Although it was the partners' treat I quickly realized that no good could come of this and switched my own order to a blueberry phosphate with *lots* of ice and seltzer. The guys stuck to their large hand-scooped chocolate malts.

By about Labor Day, the three of them were bemoaning the extra notches in their belts and were dumbfounded when I pointed out that their Swenson's habit added an extra 3000 calories to their weekly intake. They dropped the malted milk monkey and with no further effort, lost their big bellies within about 6 weeks (I hate guys sometimes).

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We can't help it Kathleen. Dennis :(

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Spike Driver

The iced cappuccinos are usually sweetened, though.

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Now you're talking, Bruce! Except we "Texans" call it Menudo(may-nu-doe). My brother had lived a number of years in NM and W TX, and when he was dying in Meridian, MS several years ago, I took large containers over there to him with enough to share with the nurses. Then one day, I stopped at a restaurant near the hospital and found the owner's son-in-law was from the interior of Mexico and made the best menudo we'd tasted in many years. My Mother knew how to fix it and I have no idea of how/where she got the recipe, but the taste was perfect. She grew up, lived & died in mid-S MS, the area we call "The Oil Capital of the South." And no, it isn't good for a person to eat on a regular basis, but a treat ever so often. I haven't eaten any since my brother's death. BTW, I told my DS, a nurse practitioner, & his wife, a pharmacist, about this discussion and they laughed and said, "We've bought it at the Post Exchange in both MD and SC. He and wife are actually "real health-food addicts", most of the time, but eat a small can ever so often to remind themselves of their childhood. I thought that was hilarious, knowing her propensity for eating healthy. However, they don't give it to DGD. Nor do either of them eat menudo. Emily

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LOL True!

Higs, Katherine

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I still love potted meat and crackers! I rarely eat it because it is SOOOO bad for me. But I love it!

Higs, Katherine

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I second that. Dennis

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Spike Driver

And more cross posting

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lucretia borgia

Could everyone please do me a HUGE favor? You may notice the title of this thread is "home again" and I started it on June 13 to tell everyone I was no longer in hospital. Being still pretty weak, I cross posted to several groups on which I am fairly regular.

Now, however, because of our collective mastery of topic drift, it has grown into a monster. So,, if you reply to any of the postings, please strip out the extra addresses and post it only on the group you happen to be reading.

Thanks again for all the good wishes, I am improving very slowly, but I AM improving.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

Merely ingesting it!

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Cheryl Isaak

That is just cruel ;)

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Cheryl Isaak

At least it other crafty people and not the drivel from MI5whatever...

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Cheryl Isaak

I've heard that the one infallible sign of an authentic Mexican restaurant in the U.S. is menudo on the menu. Also that menudo soup is a hangover cure. Not that I've tried it, mind. :)

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Interesting. I've never grocery shopped in Wal-Mart. But, then again, I didn't really grow up in the Wal-Mart region, and while now they are here, I tend to avoid them based on the child-slave labor issue (there are other bargain places to use).

Might just be how labelling of products is at different places.

Interesting far from stitching conversation.


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I totally understand this. When I first stopped my "real" job, I ended up as a supervisor/asst mngr in a Starbucks. Lots of fun. But, quickly I learned what the calories were in those hefty drinks. So, also, not being very much of a sweets person, that helped. But, you could see the regulars coming in for their daily 500 calorie drink. The worst - a very nice youngish woman, kind of puffy, with some skin issues - every day - a Caramel Macchiato, made with 5 or 6 shots of expresso, and extra caramel syrup (in the cup) and extra caramel sauce (on the top) and....instead of milk - with Half'n'half. What a killer - clog your arteries, hype you up, and fatten you up all at once.

Personally,I'm a cappucino drinker in winter, and iced latte's in summer - maybe with 1 pump of syrup (about 20-30 cal). Always skim milk. Even on Weight Watchers - that way I get my milk in. I do need something about mid-afternoon.

I can see this. One of my contractors years ago in science world had put a cappucino machine in their kitchen for that particular group. When we'd go over to meet - review some seriuos calculations, the first thing one of the guys would immediately say (the chief investigators were a great pair, one Israeli, the other German - both now American) "C'mon - let's make cappucinos" . It was a hoot.

I hate guys for the quick weight loss thing as well. DH - who only does the visit to the colonel when he's away or I'm not around - about once every 3 mnonths - can lose it sooooo quickly. His biggest issue - he still can eat like the teenage boy jock that he was - so getting him to go with smaller portions on some things, is the key. But, if he just cuts some sweet indulgence - he loses quickly. Life just isn't fair.


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The stuff the BK and MacDonalds is serving - absolutely. It's purposely being marketed that way, iced coffees, etc. Dunkin Donut's as well. Read/saw some show about the coffee wars.

But a true cappucino isn't. Of course, an iced cappucino is kind of an oxymoron - in that cappucinos are traditionally espresso with a 50/50 foam-milk mix. Lattes are the straight milk - with a tiny bit of foam. So, well, an iced cappucino is a tough thing - unless you're pouring foamed milk into a glass with ice & expresso. And then if you really get into it - there is the "wet" cappucino - which is higher percentage milk/lower percentage foam & the "dry" cappucino - the opposite - more foam, less milk.

In a coffee bar they won't sweeten unless you ask them to, or you're ordering a sweetened drink recipe. Bottled Frappucino - definitely addictive and sweet.

The things you can learn as a barista. So, I drink cappucinos because it's a little less "milky" than a latte.


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Most restaurants, authentic or not, only serve Menudo on weekends now, unless special-ordered as I did for my DB. Yes, everyone "knows" it'll cure hangovers, I can't attest to it. I don't drink any alcohol, not even a glass of wine. Emily

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Looks yummy! I can't decide between the Pork Brains or the Lamb Tongue. As dumb as pigs are, I guess it would take at least 8 or 10 to fill up one of those little cans!! I know pigs are dumb.......they must be, if they are donating their brains to a lunch meat company!!...............LOL

just me, Cathy from Ky in CA

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I did not grow up in a WM area either (in fact WM was not around when I was growing up). However, economic realities being what they are, and the lack of availability of other discount houses makes shopping at WM necessary here.

I wish there were other places to shop..(other than high-end stores).. WM pretty well has a monopoly here on "discounted" goods (within 50 or more miles). They are not precisely my favorite company either, since Sam Walton died, and they have been changing their policies drastically ever since.. I might mention that many of the higher-end shops also sell merchandise from China, which is where most of the "slave labor" items come from, AFAIK.


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As a good low point fix mid shop, a bucket of skinny latte is a great pick-me-up. In the UK unsweetened, it works out at about 2 points. :D The killer is the passion cake at 12 points a wedge! I only get 18 points in a whole day!

Humph! DH has lost a stone just cutting down on the beer and swapping some snacks to lower point stuff (but he has to be careful doing this as he's a type 1 diabetic). I lost 70 lbs by being good, and am now finding maintenance less easy than losing. 4 lbs up on goal, but still staying to meetings!

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