It's been really quiet here


I don't know the appropriate salutation for Yom Kippur, but I am glad to hear yours was peaceful. I am also glad to know why the synagogue down the street was packed today. We were guessing a wedding, but you have informed us otherwise.



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Nice to hear from so many of you, and it sounds like you're all very very busy. I have been too, but still like to check in here to read the posts.

DH & I had a beautiful day today - a friend gave us permission to cut down standing dead trees for firewood from his tree line. We had plans to hook up our utility trailer to our teeny truck, but wouldn't you know it - problems. This would be the first time using the trailer with this truck, and the 2" ball was too big. Even though the plate on the trailer calls for a 2" ball. (sigh). So, guess I'll be picking up a 1 7/8" while in town next week. So, off we went, making three trips, and getting some great, large tree trunks that are beautifully dry and will burn well in the wood stove. We plan to go again next Saturday, and this time, with the trailer, so should be able to bring back way more wood, in fewer trips. The sun was shining, the trees are changing colour, there was a nice breeze.... a great day to be working outside.

Tomorrow we are off to a nearby town with my sister and her DH to attend a fall supper. The supper for my own town is held on our Thanksgiving day (Oct 8), which I really enjoy, because I get a great dinner, and no clean up. What a great tradition!

I've been busy working on my Storm Water Shawl using Sea Silk, my Peacock Feathers Shawl, using Knit Picks Shimmer, and two pairs of socks. Soon to add another pair of socks on needles for a Christmas gift for my BIL. My gifts (birthday & Christmas) for my sister are long done, and will do some socks for my daughter, and maybe a pair of the Fibertrends Felted Clogs too. I have a felted bag almost ready to send to a friend on the coast and another one is ready to send to my Knitting Buddy Exchange partner in Australia. Did I tell you all that she PHONED me last Saturday!! Now that was fun and exciting too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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Yes it does , we are fasting, and many go to official prayers , and many stay at home and just read what ever they feel suits the day ,,, it is a day of self internal looking ,,, and the WHOLE country is QUIET , only ambulances drive if needed. mirjam

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We usually have 2 greetings ,, one says Gmar Hatima Tova which litterrary means Good signing ,,, it has to do with the Belief that this is the time God writes people`s Lot for next year , deppending on their behaviour last year,,, The sorry we can ask from GOD only aboy our relations with God. , if we had bad words with a person we should ask his personal pardon .

2nd greeting would be have an Easy fast , as this time of year might be very warm . mirjam
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Hi all, Been working different hours, so sleep hours have been off, Bf and I kept sharing the same cold for a few weeks. no knitting, and still to hot here. I did notice a few leaves on the tree in my front yard had changed color already!! One cool weather day is all I need to jump start some knitting!! Came to check here on what everyone is doing to get a boost!! Have a good week. Jenny

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