Silk drive band - update

5 hours.

That's how long I got out of my 8-ply spindle-spun driveband.

I was muttering under my breath about the problem when DH looked over at my wheel and asked if the drive wheel rim was supposed to be pointing so far left (from his POV) of the "little pulley spinny bits over here closest to me".

Knock me over with a ton of bricks.

It looks as if small hands have been futzing with the wheel alignment and I never noticed. It is a Norwegian bench-style wheel with all the fiddly little mechanical bits required to properly align things.

Yes, someone named Not Me had screwed this hanger screw in and that hanger screw out, plus had twisted one of the horizontal adjustment screws. So not only was the wheel off-center in the horizontal plane, the camber was badly out as well.

I've spun myself a 16-ply driveband - almost 2 hours of spinning and plying for a 10' length of cord! - gotten the wheel back into some semblance of correct alignment, and now I'm waiting to see how much work I'll get out of the band.

I have 8 bobbins to ply off (well, I will have by bedtime tonight). Cross your fingers that I get them done, or I'm liable to use this damned wheel as kindling :D

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Ah, frustrating as it is, at least you have an explanation for your problems now.

I hope suitable threats were made to owner of small hands about what will happen if spinning wheel is touched ever again.

Fingers crossed. That would be very expensive kindling!


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Vintage Purls

My spawn knows better than to mess with mom's stuff. One of the posse members (there are now eleven boys age 12 or younger living on our street) has a mind like a sieve: tell him something (don't do that, use a tissue to wipe your nose, whatever), two minutes later he's right back at it. I've seen him eyeballing the wheel in the past, I bet if I had a fingerprint kit - and the skill to use it - I'd find his sticky little squiggles all over the wheel.

Oh, I jest, but the thought has crossed my mind!

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Cripes! I'd be making them play outside. Way, way outside. At somebody else's place. And probably locking my wheel in a vault. :)


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Vintage Purls

lol, that'll do it! things oughtta be much better now :-). Aren't little helpers *wonderful*?


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Most days they run amok outdoors - we do, after all, have 300 days of sun per year. Rainy weekends find them here because we have two dance pads for one of the idiot box games, and we have the cool board games as well.

Once I realized the one boy's "issue" I started keeping a tighter rein on him but even I have to pee occasionally.

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