Sunday rain glorious rain

Lucky you, Halloween has always been one of the Canadian festivities, we have not warmed up to. Now that we are living in a rural location at the end of a very long driveway, we do not get any Halloweeners here either. It is just not a save thing to do in the dark, walking along narrow dark roads without any allowance for walkers.


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Els van Dam
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Hi Els,

Wish I could say the same, but here it's very popular, too much so if you ask me. I can expect at least 100-150 kids to come to the door that night, even though there is school the next day.



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We don't mind Halloween here in my small town. There are some kids who toss eggs, or smash pumpkins in other parts of town, but for the most part we just have kids dressed up who come to the door trick or treating. My son decorates and dresses up to answer the door and pass out the treats. I only feel a little uncomfortable if he is in the washroom and LARGE people in full costume come to the door... especially in groups of three or more. The only thing that makes me feel semi-comfortable about it, is that Casper is inside the livingroom barking VERY loudly, and all I would have to do is open the door. But thankfully, Matthew is usually on hand to do the treat thing for most of the people coming to the door.

Also, it's not so bad now in this house, because we can use the front door which is well lit both from the porch light and from the street lights, rather than at the old house which we had to just use the back door at the end of the laneway.


- I hope we don't get more than 65 people this year, because we just bought a box of mini bags of chips that have 65 in them, and we have 65 eyeball bubblegums, and we will get 2 bags of red licorice which should have enough in them for 65 as well. So one of each item for each person. :o) Last year was a *little* better financially and I made up about 150 little bags of goodies, but they didn't all get used so we ate them ourselves.

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Ohh My, that is a lot of kids and lots of candies... do you dole them out one by one....LOL

I will be thinking of you....


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Els van Dam

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