Julie has done it again!!!

Oh, hey - that's much better! I wouldn't use the dark green background, because it washes out the color in the bead>

when I put it on the off white background - the bead disappeared except the spots... LOL

experiment gone bad! LOL...

But soooooo much better than the scanned images!>

yes -- I agree - takes me twice as long to get them - and I have to go from camera to computer, to Adobe, to final copy .... then upload.... whew.

OK - SOOZ was right -- guess which bead sold first........ yup....

one of the ones I didn't want to try to sell, because it didn't come out the way I wanted... OK you guys win... LOL I will repeat this daily "I will not toss beads, I will not give them to children, I will post them and they will come... " Cheryl last semester of lawschool! yipee! DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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And I still hate his current work. I like some of his earlier work, and I think that what could have been a stunning career actually BLOWING glass was truncated when he lost his eye. You don't think so? You think he never would have goten better, and therefore was all done "emerging"? Then maybe the eye was no great loss after all!

Sure, he had some nice accomplishments, but his current career isn't built on the work he made for himself before the accident. The work he was doing before was utterly differemt, and IMHO much better. He would have been MUCH better now had he been able to continue both-eyed. (Though apparently you don't think so, since he wasn't really "emerging" and had learned everything he was ever going to).


TheHotterTheBetter wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Well, you know how "fans" can be. I saw a chick riding a bike yesterday, and it was PLASTERED with Britney Spears images cut out from magazines... the spokes, the nadlebars, even her HAT. EEEEEK!


T> Touchy, touchy...

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Kalera Stratton

Cheryl, those pictures are SO much better! Wow! Also, your "pile" clearly needs to be heavily edited... those are beautiful!

I think the pale purple actually works best of the ones you have up, but I would suggest light grey- it's very neutral and will help the colors of your work show true.


Cheryl wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.combeads (Cheryl) :

]I will repeat this daily "I will not toss beads, I will not give them to ]children, I will post them and they will come... "


[well, my checkbook won't think so, but . . . ]

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Light beads will look good on black backgrounds usually. I would use solid black or solid white.

I know what you mean about having to go from camera to computer to software - it is a pain, but so worth it when your beads sell for a decent price. At least, it is for me. :)

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Kandice Seeber

With all due respect, Tina, I would agree if it weren't for the "(ahem)"s. They struck a great blow to the effectiveness and tone of what she wrote, IMO.


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Cheryl, would you REALLY have to beg??? Or, do you just hate asking? If it's the latter, bite the bullet and ask!

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That's because I don't like his art, and I was trying to convey that fact while admitting that I admire his business acumen. I also don't care much for him as a human being; he isn't very nice to anyone he considers "below" him, but I try not to let that color my opinion of his work... I just don't like it for what it is, even while I appreciate the scope and sheer size of his projects.

I should be more clear; I don't like his art from the last decade. I have really enjoyed some of his earlier work, when he was still blowing and not "designing", which, FYI, usually takes the form of a few lines slapped on a piece pf paper and handed to his team foreman to interpret.

Furthermore, you can berate me to your heart's content, but it won't change my aesthetic.


Alis> With all due respect, Tina, I would agree if it weren't for the "(ahem)"s.

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Kalera Stratton

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