OT: Forgiving/Letting Go and junk

But have you maintained your pain, or have you let it recede? Pain and suffering have their place, but so does joy and pleasure!!

Just rambling, in a philosophical moooood...

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy
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Well, if you look up Libra on google, and go to one that gives "traits"...it's ME.

My dh on the other hand is a pisces, and he's NOTHING like the "traits"..in fact, he's about the polar opposite..

Oh well, it's an "art", not a "science", right? ROFL

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

LC -- I've let it recede as much as it can. I don't carry it around every day the way I used to. That is the result of some really good therapy. Before that? Different story.

Becki "In between the moon and you, the angels have a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right." -- Counting Crows

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Ahhhh...progress...gotta love that! From what I know of you here, and from your beads, you have a beautiful spirit, shining through, so something's working!

Thanks for sharing that with me...I'm a work in progress too! (with no real life trauma, except for a family who treated me like a porcelain doll because they lost a child while my mom was preggers with me...trauma by association?)

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

I'm a typical Scorpio. Keith was born under the sign of Aries but is NOT like any Aries I've ever met. I blame part of it on the fact that he was born pre-mature. The other part? He was born part stubborn German and part stubborn Irish. The great thing is that he's not intimidated by a Scorpio female.

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JoAnn Paules

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "JoAnn Paules" :

]Any other happy Scorpios out there?

well, i'm definitely a Scorpio. [waving] there are lots of us!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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Hey, hey! Welcome to the club! LOL

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On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 22:02:25 -0400, BeckiBead wrote (in message ):

Therapy was invaluable, but I never really understood and healed until I had Manda. Knowing that I could break the cycle, and wasn't doomed to become like my parents or carry my bitterness with me forever really changed me.

I can't change the past, and I probably won't change the world, but I can make a difference in one life. I can honestly say that I'm a good and loving mom. Not perfect, by any means, but a human being who can make mistakes, apologize, and learn from them so that I don't repeat the same patterns over and over.

I dont know if it'll be enough to keep an adult Manda from a psychiatrist's couch, telling about her horrible mom, but I think she'll be all right. So far, she seems to be okay, and knows she's loved.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "JoAnn Paules" :

]The great thing is that he's not intimidated by a Scorpio ]female.

he's gotta be really, really rare!!!!!!!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all. Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

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Kathy, I am a Sag:) And I do embody majority of the Sag qualities--fire, grit, and determination, as well as a strong sense of loyalty, a tendency to open my mouth before thinking (although I'm curbing that more and more as I get older) and a good ability to lead. Of course, there are lots more.

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That is a nice visualization. Thanks for sharing.


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Yes, having Aleesha did this for me and DH as well. He has more of a screwed up family than I do, so we basically are alone in the world together, and breaking all those old yucky cycles of abuse and dysfunction. It's so incredibly hard, but worth it.

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Another OMTP.

Hugs and healing vibes to those that need them.

Cheers, Carla

Stephanie wrote:

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He truly is! And he's so quiet that most people never notice him................except me :-)

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JoAnn Paules

I just keep telling people that dh and I are making different mistakes than our parents did, and why should our dd be denied the thrill of therapy when all her friends are doing it? ROFL...

Thing I've learned is that we ALL have something that we need to learn to move past the wounds the world leaves on us as children. DH was married at 16, to a very abusive girl/woman, and now he says "I just didn't know it didn't *have* to be that way till I met you!"

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

parents did, and why should our dd be denied the thrill of therapy when all her friends are doing it? ROFL...<

LMAO...I love this!!!!!

past the wounds the world leaves on us as children. DH was married at 16, to a very abusive girl/woman, and now he says "I just didn't know it didn't

*have* to be that way till I met you!"<

Man I wish I could say this! I knew, most of the way along, that something wasn't right with my ex. But I kept accepting his lies because it felt disloyal to question beyond the first "appeasements" and I didn't know then that some research options were available. If I could have learned the truth sooner, it could've saved us both a lot of anger and heartache. But most likely I'd have clued in before I had my kids, and I wouldn't trade them for all the honesty in the world.

I may make more mistakes (very likely) but they'll be different ones.


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which day Candace? I'm the 13th lol

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Deborah Barilleaux

the 11th:)


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Woo Hoo

I also have my anniversary on 12/14 LOL

I love having birthday anniversary and christmas all in the same month.

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Deborah Barilleaux

Really? I was born exactly two weeks before Christmas, and I always hated it when I was a kid and got all my birthday/Yule presents combined. My logic was that you don't see most kids born in May getting a card with their birthday presents stating this was their Christmas present too! My Mom's logic was that by the time my birthday came around, there siply wasn't enough money to go around. (She never said that to me, but it was pretty obvious by the time I was ten, and I quit talking about it)

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