OT: Welfare Blues

I spent an hour last night ferreting out all the paperwork I was told I needed to apply for assistance, and got down to the DHHS office at the crack of 8am.

I was told we don't qualify for Food Stamps (We don't meet the income requirements: the Professor's unemployment comp is too "high") and they don't offer any other programs to jobless people without children.

A total waste of time and energy.

Just shoot me now. :-(


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Awwwwwwww. Arondelle, I'm so sorry!

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On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 10:06:00 -0500, Arondelle wrote (in message ):

No. Okay, now we have the first piece of information - you don't qualify for federal or NH state aid. There are still oodles of ways to get what you need to get you over this hump. You did the food pantry thing at one Catholic church. If that's not enough, then go to other pantries in your area. (My town has three that I know of)

While at the community center/food pantry inquire about medical services. Again, I can only speak for our town, but our community centers all have one day a week where a nurse practitioner or doctor come in and treat uninsured adults for free. Mostly for chronic conditions, and they give free medications. Call your local public health department and see if you can get free or reduced cost treatment for your anxiety - almost all of the places I know of work on a sliding payment scale. No one need know, it's all handled very privately.

You mentioned that you were at a Catholic church. Are you a member of that or any other church/synagogue/mosque/temple? If so, you probably have a safety net in place. Leave a message for the priest or minister or whatever to call you when he has a private moment. Tell him about what's happening in your life and say you need help. I know that at our church there are lists of people waiting to help a family (single person, couple, whatever) who needs it.

What happens is that the nun in charge of the program finds out what you need, then contacts a person on the volunteer list. Say that volunteer is me. She would tell me you need help with your rent at X dollars a month, food, and a blue suit for job interviews, and that you're a size ten. (or whatever) I would tell her that I can handle the help with the rent for say, six months, as well as the food, but since I cannot shop, could she get a suit from someone else on the list. If you still needed help after six months, I would never know - she'd go to the next family on the volunteer list. We've been doing this forever, and I've never known who we've helped or for how long; which I think is for the best.

People care and they want to help. Unfortunately, it's hard to get the word out, and get the help to the folks that need it. You're going to have to do a bit of hunting, but I am quite positive that you can get the hand up that you need until things get better.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

requirements: the Professor's unemployment comp is too "high"<

That sucks!! They do realize, don't they, that the Prof's unemployment compensation is only temporary? Look at it this way - you will have all the forms already filled out when his UC runs out.

Carol in SLC My latest creation (11/12):

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Carol in SLC

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Arondelle :

]I was told we don't qualify for Food Stamps (We don't meet the income ]requirements: the Professor's unemployment comp is too "high") and they ]don't offer any other programs to jobless people without children. ]A total waste of time and energy.

no kidding. been there, done that. sorry you had to go through it! and once they find out you've ever been "self-employed", it gets worse.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Why is that?



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Marisa Exter

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Marisa Exter :

]Why is that?

because if you've "been" self-employed, you still could be? i don't know for sure, but they seem to think that it makes a difference.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Oh my god, that SUCKS!

Things WILL get better.

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Kalera Stratton

because they want every piece of paper that passes your hands--every reciept for a stamp, a gluestick, a bead---and every sale you make. All originals, all kept and lost by them (no apologies, either) OR you can allow them to make their own copies as you stand there; they will not take YOUR copies, and will refuse to make theirs at first. And of course the IRS wants to know you have originals too, so best not allow them to get.....lost.

Also, because self employed means that you do not get a paycheck for $79.99 every Friday at 6pm, and therefore you are an anomaly, and a potential liar---because there is no piece of paper printed by a Real Company.

And---because people who are self employed have not hit the bottom of hopelessness yet, and are not as docile as they might be. Not as quiet a part of the System, not as grateful for a nod from the All Powerful Case Worker of the Week. (You get a different one every week or two, whether you are there or not)

We did the Foodstamps thing one time, when things were very bad---and were told "Why are YOU here? You are white, and have been to college." We told the woman "smart white people want to feed their children too" and reported her to her supervisor. They were only going to help if my DH left us--the fact that we were all working hard not to starve together counted against us.

I would beg for work at the roadside before signing up for that sort of treatment again. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comeatspam (Sjpolyclay) :

]I would beg for work at the roadside before signing up for that sort of ]treatment again.


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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