OT: Yoooo Hooooo!!!! Read Me!! ( Stopping In For A Visit)

Good for you too! Having BTDT, I know what it's like. I was in a non-romantic (but physical) relationship with some one for 6 years. That came to a rather dramatic (and emotional for me) end the summer before I decided to move. And now I'm seeing some one who seems to really like me for me, thinks it's cool that I do creative things, and has even been inside a bead store with me!

Here's to a fabulous 2004 for all.

Kathy K

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "KDK" :

]And now I'm seeing some one who seems to really like me ]for me, thinks it's cool that I do creative things, and has even been inside ]a bead store with me!

we should all be so lucky!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Huh! Get the book 'Men who hate women, & the women who love them'..


Mavis (who would have hung up! because sleep is more valuable than the ex)

but not judging you sweetie..

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Lots of people have had experience with unrequited love; maybe even most people.

One of several precipitating factors for my Depression, was breaking up with a man I adored. I just felt like so much more when I was with him. And so on and so on.

When I started dating Pete I still carried a torch for this man, but I knew that 1) he was unavailable, and 2) there was a flaw or a lack that he had for being unable to be in the kind of relationship I wanted. Even when I didn't feel these things, I knew these things.

I was honest about this with Pete. As a matter of fact, this was part of an understanding we have that it's OK to be (slightly) "in love" with other people, to enjoy a thrill at looking at a beautiful person, even by being somewhat turned on. As long as the ultimate destination for all this passion is just the two of us.

Pete isn't well off, or an internationally known scientist, and he doesn't have as many social graces, But he's the best man.


"BeckiBead" wrote

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Christina Peterson

I got a somewhat cryptic email this afternoon, stating that Becki "will be in Cali Monday afternoon".

Kaytee "Simplexities" on

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Kalera Stratton

Kalera -- I just read about you being celibate for a year, and was PLANNING to stay away from men myself for a while, since I obviously need to heal. That was before I did the mover on the couch in the van (OK can't that just be a slip?) and today I met Steve, the man in CA who has been talking to me for over

3 months. He's nice, no great shakes. At any rate, leaving Ohio did the trick, because I was up all night the night before I left, due to the fact that I called the doctor's house and his girlfriend answered. he really did move her in with him. I called that one right and I am glad to be gone.

Becki "In between the moon and you, the angels have a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right." -- Counting Crows

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This is a beautiful time of year. All the fresh green leaves and grasses. I hope it gentles your heart. And soon will come the fruit blossoms. Plums first, if I recall correctly.

I had reached the 3 Fs level with men -- find em, f*ck em, forget em. Then I got tired of that and was starting on celibacy (at least in my mind), when I met Pete. I've spoken with several men who have done the celibacy thing. A couple have said they did it for the power/strength it gave them. I guess the female version of that statement would be "empowerment".

Biggest problem I ever had with the 3 Fs is that too often they don't want to be forgotten. (Hope it was a fun slip -- and don't forget to get tested before doing anyone you're serious about).

I'm so glad to know you're in CA now.


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Christina Peterson

nope, sorry, thats a slipCOVER situation there. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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And I'm so glad that it didn't!! bet you both are too! Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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being celibate for a year,>

HA HAHA I have that beat.... by a long shot..

I liked the 3 F reference Tina...

Once I got rid of the husband, I made up my mind that was IT!!! I'd had enough of men before the marriage - and decided men were NOT WORTH IT. I rather enjoy the fact that I need not have to deal with them.... other than raising two sons who drive me crazy enough as it is....

Sex is not a necessity of life. ART IS... bead more - forget the men... .LOL

Cheryl last semester of lawschool! yipee! DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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Sooz -- that guy was just such an unbearable creep. How is Merc doing? Becki "In between the moon and you, the angels have a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right." -- Counting Crows

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Ain't life a funny thing?


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On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 14:02:26 -0500, Dr. Sooz wrote (in message ):

Yep, that's how it seems to work. Wonderful, isn't it?

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Hon, you don't have to count the "slip"... it was trivial! LOL!

Leaving was a GREAT idea, you'll be so glad you did! And I'm glad to have you on the West Coast. If you go into a period of celibacy, I think you'll benefit greatly, as I did. It's very empowering to retreat into one's self and reach a point of being OK just the way things are. I took it slowly... I sort of "eased" into celibacy... ahem.

You've left that jerk high and dry, and eventually, so will every other woman he dupes into bedding him. Congratulations on your new life!


BeckiBead wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Poor Harry -

Really getting an education, aren't you? Most men don't realize that women are capable of using the 3 F's as lightly as do most men. It's a different world than it used to be. I think younger women are more likely to use and dump men than we did in the 70's, 80's, or even 90's.

When I first met Keith, I thought he'd make an interesting diversion for a while. Well, it's been almost 11 years - and yes, they have been interesting! That damned Love Bug got me good! I'm spoiled rotten and so very happy. I wish Becki and all of the others looking/not looking for love the same experience that I have. :-D

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JL Amerson

Just for the record, the mover was someone I used to date. He was pre-approved for a roll in the hay (LMAO -- that should actually only apply to my California sexual encounters now, since I live on a HAY farm). He tried to get me to stay over at his apartment that night, because I was getting on the road with only three hours sleep. But shoot, he is so sexy that I was afraid I would never leave (NO KIDDING) and it was cold as can be in Ohio. I'm wearing shorts today, LOL.

Becki "In between the moon and you, the angels have a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right." -- Counting Crows

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Sex is not necessary and men are not (personally) necessary. But once you get to that point of being sufficient unto your own self, finding a man who is also fully developed is the most wonderful blessing I can imagine.


"Cheryl" wrote

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Christina Peterson


Gotta disagree, somewhat. I planned to chuck it all once I got my ex out of the house....but along came Mike. BUT sex isn't the only wonderful thing. It's the companionship, the surprise mind-reading, the extra moral support with the kids. Having someone to talk to who just KNOWS how I feel and basically what I'm thinking. We fit and it's so incredibly comfortable. I've never had that with anyone before and I love it.

We spent hours last night, even though I was dead tired, talking about plans for the next shows, and for Tucson next year (I'll have my own space!!!!!). He's planning to come with me for some of the shows, and is full of ideas too. After my ex's near-indifference, this is really heady stuff. He's my biggest fan and an excellent bead-pimp.


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