Annual Reckoning, and the RCTQ BOM

It is sort of part of what makes them hush puppies. If you cook them elsewise you make something else. Corn gems if you bake 'em, corn dumplings when boiled, or somewhat like that.

It's kind of like baking or boiling chips instead of frying them. They are the same shape, and some people may still call them chips, you might even tell yourself that they are chips, but the minute you put them in your mouth you know better even if you say otherwise.


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There is a large Italian population here in town, immigrants, their generations, and a fair few imported spouses. So I have come to have very specific notions about what some things are. I reckon that that is largely defined by the people I come in contact with most. The mama of the family with some of DH's in-laws would faint dead away at the merest suggestion of using meal with coarse bits as polenta. There are also legendary disputes between her and her DILs about whether it should be cut with semolina. My favorite italian grocer won't sell anything but finely ground meal as polenta. Then again he has gotten it into his head that DH and I are of Armenian heritage and nothing will shake that belief. (G)


*whack whack whack thump thump thumpity thump THWACK*

I beat on the server a bit, did that help?

You will notice I put the char bits on the side. (G) Really I could do without soybits in most things. I usually find the dried chunks DH insists we get to be rather unplesant when cooked up. However it is a good way to incorporate a smokey flavor through a dish, liquid smoke is just too harsh for some things. The ham and the bacon bits are the best of the lot usually. Not so dog foodish as the others can be. We reserve the cold case stuff for those times when it just works out best to use them. The faux sausages make a decent toad in the hole (so do just veggies, but that goes to being a different dish then really) which we have when dedicated meat eaters come by. We've ruined some meatavores serving that. A fair number have since sworn that they cannot get it to work with real sausages, and so now they buy the fakes. *chuckle* Sometimes burgers and hot dogs when we are roped into a barbeque. The kind of burger we make at home doesn't really hold together well on a grill.


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Here Hush Puppies are a well known make of shoe. They used to be mainly men's suede shoes, but seem to have branched out to other styles. Bit tough, even if deep fried.

Sally at the Seaside~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uk

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NightMist wrote:

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Sally Swindells

OK, I'll just have to have cornbread muffins or summat! ;) Unfortunately anything deep fried goes through me VERY FAST since the gall bladder thing. To the point that the deep fat fryer went to the charity shop.

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