New Year's resolutions- partly on topic!

Oh Polly I love your post ... gave me a good chuckle. Bah humbug on your neat sewing room. :-)

Sharon (N.B.)

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I had a Mom like Judy in Fort Worth who believed what we were doing New Year's Eve would carry through the entire year. I think my own little Mama knew every superstition in the book and I work really hard to walk under ladders and cuddle black cats. Phooey on them all . . . on the other hand, if I can make you smile in 2008 ! Ah yes. I want to do that. Now about homicidal tendencies, maybe there's a section in Anger Management? Polly

Oh Polly I love your post ... gave me a good chuckle. Bah humbug on your neat sewing room. :-)

Sharon (N.B.)

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Polly Esther

I've never smoked... so I can't begin to understand how difficult it is to quit. But I know it is a fairly expensive habit.

One thought... take the $$$ you would spend on cigarettes each week and drop them in an envelope. At the end of each month... take that money and do something special. Splurge on a facial... or a massage... or some fabrics. Or save up for that brand new sewing machine. Make it well worth your while to not spend another nickel on a cigarette!

No matter how you do it -- I wish you only success in your endeavor!

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Kate G.

That helped me cut down ... I went from a pack & 1/2 a day to about 6 "singles" a day ... going outside to smoke really helped me cut WAY back. I'm hopin' to eventually eliminate the 6.

But having to go outside to smoke would be such a chore (it is for me) that it becomes more of a PITA than a pleasure ... and when it's cold (like it's getting here!!) it'll be even more of a PITA!! Who knows? By the time it gets it's coldest, you might have well quitted - having to choose between freezing your poor keister off and a few drags!!

Another big thing is to avoid activities that give you the urge to smoke. Being around other smokers is a big no-no (misery loves company - they light up, you'll feel it even worse!!). If you have to, combine drinking coffee (which, along with food, is a BIG trigger for the need for nicotine) with quilting or some other activity that you don't normally smoke during.

But studies say that the biggest "triggers" for the need for nicotine is drinking (esp coffee or alcohol), eating, and talking. So if you can combine those activities with activities that you wouldn't normally smoke during, you can nip that desire in the bud!

Really, Leslie, I'm praying for you!! I hope 2008 finds you healthier and happier - and tobacco free!!! :)

Quilty hugs!! Connie :)

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That's not fair. For one thing, it's YOUR home. And for another, its YOUR health. They should have been much more supportive of you - especially the person who doesn't smoke!!

My SIL's daughter has Cystic Fibrosis and made her house a complete and utter smoke-free zone (a whiff of smoke could cause her daughter to have to have a lengthy - 'bout 2 month - hospital stay) so my FIL (Lord rest his soul) would smoke outside.

BTW, my niece, has lived over 20 years longer than her doctors predicted! She just got married two months ago!! Yay!!

And no, that doesn't make you weird - it makes you considerate and kind ... and the friend NOT. I'd pick my kids over my hubby, my parents (and I adore my parents), ANYONE. That's part of being a parent. >:(

Hugs!! Connie :)

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This is a great idea, Kate (Leslie). I suggest an aromatherapy massage - they are *soooooo* good. And don't worry at all about the therapist seeing your scars. In my experience, they are the kindest, gentlest young ladies (I even had an older one once - just as sweet). Mine always let me keep my lower underwear on. They keep you covered up all except the part they are working on, in soft, warm towels. It is the most relaxing thing to do. And knowing that you have saved the money for it: for health rather than 'ugh' makes it even easier to take the cost on board. . In message , Kate G. writes

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My New Year's Resolutions are pretty much the same every year:

o Attempt to keep the perfectionistic tendencies to a minimum o Try to make headway on UFOs o Stay organised and focused

An addition this year is to try to exercise at least 3 times per week for at least 45 minutes each time

- dlm. in central MA

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- dlm.

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