OT: my little QI

Our family shitsu, Cupcake, was lost to us last night. She likes to get out the yard, but never before at night, and it was a rainy night.

Who knows? Maybe it was the thunder she heard in the distance, that we didn't hear... but she was whining and we thought she needed to go out so we let her out with her companion, Chica, and I swear it was only a couple of minutes, but when my DH called them back in Chica came and Cupcake was nowhere to be seen in the yard. It was just one heart wrenching moment till DH saw her lying in the road. My son says he heard a horn blast only seconds before.

For those I've found and 'friended' on facebook, you've seen the status. But I just felt the need to talk and here is still the safest place, especially now since family members on on facebook and I don't want to add to their grief.

It started as such a good weekend. My beautiful older daughter was married on Friday. We wanted the dogs safe, so we boarded them, so they could not get out accidently. They were home for less than a day when this happened, and I was so spent after the wedding that I don't think I even petted them or anything.

I don't know why I am so upset. I feel guilty, and angry, and so sad for my youngest, who is in college and never got to see her pet this weekend. Somehow this seems to overshadow the joy I was feeling. The vet asked if we wanted the ashes, but we thought it was morbid, but now I wish I had thought to clip a piece of her fur.

Pets aren't people. But they are family members. For those of you who have QI's, give them an extra hug today.

Lisa in NJ

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Lisa in NJ
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So sorry to hear about Cupcake. It must have been such a shock.

Of course pets are family members. I have always bought a pretty plant to put in the garden when we have lost a pet - one that flowers at this time of the year. It somehow seems to help, and every year when it comes out you can remember your furry friend.

Sally at the Seaside ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uk

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Lisa > Our family shitsu, Cupcake, was lost to us last night. She likes to get

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Sally Swindells

of course you're upset. pets are family members. majority of us here have been in your situation in one way or another. {{{{hugs to you and yours}}}}

amy in CNY

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amy in CNY

((( Lisa )))) I think pets are people, too. Just not human. They are are companions during hard times and they never utter a word of complaint at our foul moods or laziness. They don't complain of hearing us complain and they don't tell our secrets. They love unconditionally and all they ask is for us to love them back.

I'm sorry the joy of your week was dimmed by Cupcake's death. But Cupcake wouldn't want that. She would want you to be happy and secure in the knowledge that she had a good life and loved your family with every breath she took. Now is time to give Chica extra hugs and pets and help her adjust to being the only pup in the house.

Hugs, Sunny

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Yogi isn't into being a 'huggy puppy'. He just doesn't do that mush stuff but many times today I picked him up and cuddled him for a while. So sorry about your Cupcake. I am just so very sorry about your loss. Polly

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Polly Esther

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