OT proposed discussion: How did you learn to be a "woman" rather than a "girl"?

*snicker* That scares me actually my quilt stuff doesn't look that good up close either.

I agree and that's a part of why I don't think it affected me too much when I was teaching -- I just know I was also dealing with some who were old school enough that I didn't "look" professional without make up -- but to be honest, it's only looking back that I think that was even slightly an issue then. My principal used to have a slight issue with it until I made it very clear one day in the teachers lunch room that I was purposely setting an example for our teenage girls that they didn't need to be spackling themselves (and since make up was against dress code for the students she seemed to realize what I was doing was a good thing for our girls).

I have lost a huge chunk of that confidence with the weight gain (being overweight wasn't ever something I experienced -- I was always underweight until I had a hormone issue kick in and since....ikes!) and with being in a new environment. I have had so much work rejection in the last year, I'm beginning to doubt my worth as a contributing member of the community.

The weight doesn't much effect my mobility (I can't squeeze into tight spaces anymore but it's not a hinderance on movement) and since I began a workout program a few months ago, the stairs don't even seem to have an effect on my asthma these days.

Subtle is what I want -- what I can do currently is clownish, looking very much like someone very inept. I am fair, with freckles, light eyebrows, glasses (although more stylish than previous pairs -- contacts not an option -- I don't put things in my eyes). Oh, my face soap of choice is still noxema cream original. I like how my skin feels in general when I use it.

I have heard that a lot! (the mascara thing). Does anyone here from the states know off hand if the Visage is available stateside? When I did have a little help at the Satin Hands thing with MK, I discovered that they don't have a liquid foundation near enough to my coloring so the gal had me order a powder that comes very close -- however, I can't seem to apply it right or something -- it is always noticable -- I look, well, dusty (and I try to buff a lot to take most of it off so it isn't caked on -- at least that's the intent). I think a liquid would be easier to control.

Hmm..other than the brushes that come with, I've only ever owned a separate brush and that's usually been for attempting to apply powder.

Thanks Kate -- Tricia

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You might have nailed it right there Taria -- fear! I always wind up with one of a few select styles when I get my hair cut because I'm freaked that something will go horribly wrong if I go with something else. *snicker*

Thanks, Tricia

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Wow! thanks. Okay, I do own (although they are old) eyeshadow in a nice collection of browns and greens (I have hazel eyes), a brown eyeliner pencil (somewhere...that one probably does need replacing) and a lipstick color that honestly is too wrong for my coloring for daily wear but dramatic for nightwear -- oh, and a nice goldish/peach lipgloss. I don't even know where to start with my eyebrows. I don't think they are unruly growth wise -- just extremely light -- except for the errant dark brown hairs that show up now and then.

Nails are growing the last few years for the first time in my life (the positive side of the hormone issue). I finally found my nailfile (had temporarily been using one of those emery boards from a high end hotel bathroom kit) and curved off the edges last night. They aren't a uniform length but they appear to be healthy. I rarely polish them because I usually make a mess with the polish but every so often I try it.

I got my wardrobe colors good. I'm comfortable with that. I can't always find what I want but I no longer buy the stuff that really isn't my coloring anymore -- least not in dress up clothes.

Shoes -- every day wear is a pair of new balance gym shoes (tennis shoes, whatever they are called nowadays). They were doctor recommended for support. Dressy I have two pairs of Mushrooms, modest heel -- navy blue and ivory/cream.

Thanks mini Mini! That was a lot to process....


m> I learned from my mother & friends mothers, my girlfriends, reading

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I didn't know until the suggestions here that make up people at department stores did makeovers for free.....of course, I don't spend much time in department stores *blush*

Thanks for the advice....I got my hair cut last back in mid-June (just before my grandfather passed) and went from long to a bob between my chin and my shoulders and the response I got from a lot of people was really positive. I like the style, I just dont' know how often to have it cut.


Sandy Foster wrote:

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snipped-for-privacy@dcs.qmul.ac.uk wrote:

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Thank you for bringing that up. It gives me a ready thing in mind when I go in there to keep from getting pressured into something that I could very well regret (for any number of reasons) later on.

*how* do you do that -- interview hairstylists? Maybe it's the places I go but I've never had someone really work with me, well, not true -- one guy one time took one good look at me and just declared he was going to make me beautiful and did a wonderful job on my hair, helped me with some basics in hair styling products (small talk by bed head). However, by teh time I went back (I use annoyance as the main deciding factor on when to get my hair cut) he had moved on to a better quality place (I assume) and I couldn't track him down. I hate when I go in some place regularly and each person who works with my hair gives me conflicting recommendations on products, etc.

New patient appointment is Oct. 20th. I know I probably made it sound like I was a "pizza face" but in reality it's just a few (half dozen maybe) spots -- but very noticable and more than I had as a teenager and they come with my cycle more often than not.

Thanks Pauline, You are right, I do need a lift -- in a big way. I was in the throes of a really bad bout of PMS this morning when I was typing (and crying) away, am slightly better now but these are issues that have been bothering me -- they just don't seem to reach critical status unless the hormones are wacked.


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Never heard of them.....


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Nod....I have a hard time following through on returning things that were purchased incorrectly.....


Johanna Gibs> Be careful on this one. I tried to take a suit back to a famous

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Thanks for the input =)


snipped-for-privacy@yahoo.com wrote:

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I understand Tricia. It is painful, really, to be in a new place. We lived in the same city for 5 generations and then, here we were in the Swamp. These are not exactly friendly, gregarious people. Bit by wee little bit, I have made progress. At your church and at your guild, you can see 'who's doing things' and offer to help. Or, . . . ask for help. I know I startle people when I see a wonderful head of hair and say to the stranger, "Your hair is gorgeous, how do you Do that?" Of course, I never say it to someone carrying a submachine gun. Thus far, they've all been delighted and eager to share. The student who stocks groceries at my store stands taller and preens a bit when I buggy by. (And . . . I know who cuts her hair.) The key word here is tenacity. Free translation: hell bent determination. Polly

And Tricia wrote >

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Polly Esther

I think nails are healthier when they're not polished. Before I was married, I had lots of trouble with brittle, peeling nails. I was careful to keep them polished because I thought it would strengthen them. Then I started working in a library and was working a lot with a card catalog; those cards were hard on the nail polish, so I quit using it. Surprisingly, my nails got a lot healthier and stronger then. I suppose some would say my problems were a result of dime-store nail polish and polish remover, and they might be right to some extent, but now I figure it's not worth the bother. I try to keep my nails trimmed and nicely shaped and figure that should be enough.

Julia in MN

Julia in MN

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Julia in MN

With eye makeup (shadow, liner and mascara), you want to replace it about every 4-6 months, because of risk of eye infections. I don't buy expensive makeup for this reason. Lipsticks and foundation can be kept for a year, but usually no longer than that. I don't buy expensive makeup for this reason. Normally, I just wear a tinted moisturizer, a little blush, and mascara, but i work in a warehouse with boys who don't care...LOL.

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Me too...I'm thankful for it. It wasn't easy to post about.

That's the current hair style. I didn't do a headband for the interview -- I *think* my hair basically behaved enough (I pray it did...it looked good when I left the house and when I got to the building the interview was it)

Mine is THICK! and heavy. When it is in a good in-between length and the stars are lined up just right, I can get it in a semi decent french twist -- nothing fancy but at least it is up off my neck. I'm lucky if it stays half a day though (even with hair spray -- when sprayed, it just falls in larger clumps instead of small ones *snicker*). When long, it has a slight wave to it, when shorter it is usually straight except for the nasty cowlick I inherited from my father right in the middle of my bangs. Oh, and even in the bob (this is almost humorous), one side flips under, the other side flips out -- I've had hair cutting people actually spend 15-20 minutes just trying to fix the side that wouldn't cooperate.

Okay, now I'll be seeking a director rather than just any other consultant, thanks for the heads up...

polished and subtle is what I want -- I am not an ugly person, I know that -- I just would rather accentuate than distract from the gifts I was given.

Egads -- ya'll want photos. Ouch!

Thanks Pat, Tricia

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okay, I'm jealous...way jealous! Sounds like exactly what I need as an initial boost....

Thanks, Tricia

Nancy > >

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I have mine cut about every 6 weeks. My hair is really short, so you probably don't need to have it cut that often. But if it's been since mid-June, you are probably due for a trim.

Julia in MN

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Julia in MN

Sherry Starr wrote:

Nod....I am currently having to work with the fitness instructor on campus and my doctor to design an updated workout routine from what I was doing this summer because my heart rate was giving me major issues so hopefully that will be taken care of and finalized very soon. Today was the first day I could connect with the FI as she had been on vacation. I have taken off (and last I knew, maintained a loss of) nearly 5 lbs since I started my old program about 2 months ago and my eating habits have been improving. The weight was put on due to hormonal fluctuations and hormone treatments for health issues (something in that apparently kicked in the genes from the maternal side of my family line instead of the paternal which had been in control before then). It was not a result of eating habits or not caring. The medical issues I was dealing with were more pressing than worrying about gaining weight while they were being treated -- we all figured the weight would come back off and my metabolism would return to what it was once I was off the hormone treatments -- turns out, we were wrong. Now I'm trying to get back to something reasonable -- not an easy thing for someone who never had to be concerned about what was eaten or how much was eaten for the first 20 years of her life -- actually the concern for me as a child was that I didn't gain weight when I should have (I was 25 lbs for 3 years straight as a toddler -- no significant fluctuation or gain)

Thanks Sherry, Tricia

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Thanks Butterfly


Butterflyw> Can't wear make-up, can't do 'beauty shops', and my hair is just as straight

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Thanks -- it's needed!

Nod -- got properly fitted a few years ago at a speciality shop downstate and just made a stop there when I was downstate for my cousin's wedding so I could purchase a new one (I get imported ones that are pretty expensive so I have to get one at a time and overlap their useful lifetimes -- we hit a rough patch for a bit and so this was my first new one in over 2 years)

I understand...

COLOR?!?! no thank you Maybe if I can eventually find a shade that actually would just tweak my own natural shade of reddish but until then, those brassy reds just aren't for me. My last perm was a handful of years ago come to think of it. I do unusually well with a spiral when my hair is looooooooooooong and actually find that much easier to take care of and do something with (as long as they didn't fry my hair) than my usual hair. Even as it is growing out (again, as long as it didn't get fried), I tend to do okay -- that styling I was actually taught somewhat how to do --- gel or mousse in damp hair, finger comb (or light pick), and scrunch. Well, that might be the crinkly look you mention but at least it looked styled and decent -- way back when.

Not really that I know of off hand -- I think TC is the closest (although I'll be checking on that in the next few days to be sure) and that's 1.5 hours away. Nothing compared to Texas distances I know (I hear it all the time from hubby about how things are more spread out in TX) but a good distance away when DH has the car at work all day, but maybe this weekend...hmmm....there is a JoAnn's ETC there....hmmmm......

Does she wanna take a trip to northern Michigan for vacation????

Good advice

Appt late Oct -- more for other things but my complexion will probably be addressed, esp if it is at *that* time ....

Just a newer, unpleasant experience....

No offense taken -- it doesn't surprise me -- I also suspect the ladies in TX in general are more hospitable than here and other things -- a heritage of "southern belle" isn't let go of or dismissed easily ;)

Point taken.


*That* is a torture contraption -- I don't care if my eyelashes don't curl -- those things just pull out hairs as far as I can tell....ack! (I briefly lived in the same house as one of my stepsisters who had one and I tried it....painful)


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Gen, They must be long -- I rarely have my lashes in contact with my lenses unless they've fallen out (which does happen on a surprisingly regular basis).

=) Tricia

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On 28 Aug 2006 09:08:01 -0700, "JustJoanQuilts" wrote:

Joan, I agree with you whole heartily. I am 51, rarely wear makeup but I did learn by trial and error when a teenager. I tried to be like the other girls I just didn't want to be prissy. When I worked every day I did wear make up but I quit when I got sick and had to stay home. Now I sometimes wear it to church but most of the time I don't. I get perms but they are wash and wear. My clothes are simple although I can afford better I choose to spend my money in other ways. Although I by no means have as much as I would need to keep up a house, thank God for dad's. But even with my leg/knee/ankle problem going on and several other health issues that say you are getting older, I still do not feel my age and being over weight I don't look it either. Both my mother and grandmother got up every day and put on their makeup and got dressed up, etc. just to sit in the house. This is not me. I get up and get dressed but no make up and no fancy clothes. I cried when my oldest sister turned 50, because I couldn't believe that any of us were old enough to be THAT OLD. LOL now I am past that old and still think I am about 21, funny thing is turning 50 didn't bother me one bit. Of course I spent my 50th birthday in the hospital with my mother dying so not sure I even thought of it. I will say now that it was the worse year of my life, but I muddled through it. I do not even own a dress, skirt or any such thing. I have dress pants and blouses but I do not have the girly things and yes, I am straight too. Just thought I would throw that in. But being a woman/lady is much more than dress, hair and makeup. It is what is in the heart that counts and unfortunate that is not going to get a person a job. Glad I am not looking for one.

Jacqueline Jacqueline

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