quilter's gloves

You gotta get yourself some window curtains, Dearie. They are just so freeing. Plus they help hide your stash from the searching eyes of any stray stash raiders that might walk past your windows. Debra in VA See my quilts at

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Pat in Virginia

killjoy!! jeanne

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I love my Machinigers. Can't quilt without them. They grip the fabric and keep it from going away. I don't have a lot of sensation in the tips of my fingers -- sometimes none at all. With these gloves, I can still manipulate the quilt the way I intend (most of the time LOL) without constantly losing it cuz I'm not holding on tight enough. It also lessens the stress on muscles. You don't have to keep a death grip on the quilt while moving it around under the needle.

FYI -- I also sew without my shoes. Any more than that would totally traumatize my household. But I commend those who are brave enough to undertake an activity involving needles and scissors wearing less that the full compliment of clothing! ;)


nzlstar* wrote:

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I don't like gloves of any kind. Never have. Partly because of the way my hands are "shaped"..... no comments needed. Easiest way to explain is to ask you to hold up your hand, fingers together and see the position of the end of your little finger next to your ring finger. for most people the end of the pinkie is about level with the top joint of the ring finger. Mine is halfway between the two finger joints. And the base of the pinkie is also lower. It is like the whole side of my hand is shorter. Makes doing a lot of things very interesting. And gloves just do not fit there.

I discovered "Lickety Grip". It is basically the same stuff used by those who "push paper" or count money to make their fingers a bit tacky. But it is colorless and won't stain the fabric. Rub your fingers over it, then rub together and you have better traction on the quilt. Wonderful stuff.

As to sewing shoeless.....I do. For times it is hot in my sewing room, I have a small fan that sits under the sewing table to blow over my feet and legs. (Fans higher up often make for very interesting block lay outs.) I sew in whatever I am comfortable. (or out of too......) However, I don't recommend cooking bacon without torso covering....

I have a pegboard over most of the window in my sewing room.... handy and lets in some light without all the UV rays. It is a south facing window and putting the peg board in really helped cool the room down too.

Pati, > I love my Machinigers. Can't quilt without them. They grip the fabric

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Pati Cook

Thanks for the recommendation on this product. What kind of stores could I look in to find it? I'd rather not buy online if I can purchase locally.

I just dislike wearing gloves, period. In the winter when I drive, the gloves come off the minute the steering wheel warms up a bit!

Kay Ahr in Reno/Sparks, Nevada

Pati Cook wrote:

I discovered "Lickety Grip". It is basically the same stuff used by those who "push paper" or count money to make their fingers a bit tacky. But it is colorless and won't stain the fabric. Rub your fingers over it, then rub together and you have better traction on the quilt. Wonderful stuff.

Pati, in Phx

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Kay Ahr

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Anna Belle

Many LQSs carry Lickety Grip. It lasts quite a while too.

Pati, > Thanks for the recommendation on this product. What kind of stores

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Pati Cook

Anna Belle, I thought I was strange with it, but my niece has hands shaped just like mine. So I guess it is a genetic thing. Not only typing on a manual typewriter, but try playing a guitar....

Pati, > Patti,

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Pati Cook

My pinkie fingers end about half way between the two joints of the ring finger... And my fingers are shorter than my palms! Measure from the base of your middle finger to the wrist: my middle fingers are about

3/4" shorter than the palm! But they are also almost square! I cannot stretch an octave on the piano either, despite having a good spread. Small and square, my paws! My feet are also quite small, but I also have narrow heels, so they are triangular rather than square!
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Kate Dicey

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