Warning regarding EQ6 by Electric Quilt

Well, I'm happy with a non-moderated group, too. Believe me, I like freedom of speech! And being able to holler back at a loon like Tek is just one of the ways that I employ my First Amendment right. ;)

Bottom line is that I felt it was unfair that others might think that Tek was speaking from, ah, an un-objective POV ... he's not and others should know that. And FTR, since I've been replying to his posts, I've gotten a flurry of e-mails in support. We're apparently not the only group he's flooding (though we've not gotten it nearly as bad as others).

Too, I felt it was unfair that he's clearly (especially if you read some of his posts in non-quilting groups - the guy has flooded usenet and forums all over the place) out to exact some revenge against TEQC ... and as a small business owner myself, I think his form of revenge is outrageous, ridiculous and damaging. If he wants to exact some revenge, fine ... but he could at least pick a more honorable and less deceptive route of attaining it.

And I *do* want to read the posts, BTW. If I don't, how can I refute his bullcrap? :)

Happy New Year back atcha! :) Connie

ca7e0$47780fff$18d6c25a$ snipped-for-privacy@KNOLOGY.NET,

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I only made the point about complaining because he's been flooding other NGs and forums with this bullcrap - even after others have asked him politely to move on and let them be.

He's quite literally trying to ruin TEQC ... and as a small biz owner myself, I don't think it's fair the way that he's going about it. I wouldn't be surprised, with all the flooding that he's doing, that if you do a search for EQ, his posts get the highest SE rankings. And I sincerely hope that the folks at EQ consider a lawsuit. Perhaps a psychiatric evaluation wouldn't hurt, either.

And FTR, as someone who has a MIL who does *exactly* the same sort of obsessive bullcrap as Tek and has ruined several innocent lives over the head of it (I'd rather not go into detail, but I will if called on it) and personally, made my and my hubby's lives a virtual h-e-double-toothpick, I'm a wee bit touchy. :/

Anywho, enough ranting on my part. As long as Tek stays quiet, so will I. Connie


45dbf$47788346$18d6c25a$ snipped-for-privacy@KNOLOGY.NET,
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My, you're getting nasty lately. Gen

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Gen, how am I getting nasty? Honestly, if I'm being nasty, I apologize and I will cease and desist.

He's joining lists and groups simply and solely to exact his revenge (I can't think of a better phrase) on what he considers to be unethical practices. He's doing his best to shut down software that I rely on (and I'm sure that others do, too) simply because he either didn't read the box before he bought it or didn't bother to read the fine print on the web site. I'd actually consider that to be a bit on the nasty side. And flooding groups and lists with his attacks is pretty nasty, too, I'd say. And according to his posts in another group, he's been harassing Penny ... calling them constantly over the same thing. I'd consider harassment fairly nasty, too. And chances are, with all the posting about EQ in all the forums and NGs he's done, HIS posts will come up first if someone does a search for EQ - that could damage their business horribly - how nasty is that?

And two other groups (I lurk in the techie groups) he did insinuate that quilters are quite less than computer savvy. Which is quite funny because I think the majority of quilters are smarter than he gives us credit for. I think that's pretty nasty on his part, too.

I know I said elsewhere that he should think about getting a psychiatric evaluation - and if this is how he normally behaves, I think it'd be a good idea. He's taking a company's practices of protecting their intellectual property personally to the nth degree. He's flooding (literally) groups screaming about EQ and trying to ruin them. All that over a $150 piece of software that no one forced him to buy. Putting it into that perspective, don't you think that's a bit "off?"

If he embarks on a crusade this way over such a relatively small matter, what do you think he would do about something *serious*?

Again, I'm REALLY not trying to be nasty whatsoever. I just think, honestly, what he's trying to do to a small company trying to make an honest buck and doing the best they can, is just criminal.

Call me nasty, I guess. But I really don't think I'm wrong. I've read his other posts in other groups and that's what I'm seeing. :(

Connie (Who is DONE)

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No you're not being nasty and you're not wrong. I have seen this guy's complaint on this group and one other forum I read.

Nobody forced him to buy it. Any company is allowed to determine how many activations you get for your money. I have bought software that you only get three in one year and then have to repurchase the next year anyway. His complaints are without merit and damaging to the company. They may even go over the line into slander.

Ms P

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Ms P

Thanks, Ms P!! It's nice to know that I'm not *quite* as looney as I usually think I am! :)

(I think the latest count on groups and lists that he's posted to is up to about 20? I stopped counting after that ...)

Quilty hugs!! Connie :)

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Here's what EQ has to say about when and what activations are used for, it might change your mind.

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Ms P

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And then I discovered he's probably flat out wrong about most of his complaints. Here's what EQ has to say about when activations are used.

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Ms P

And that's not cricket (I'm no fan of the 4 activations only thing). But still, *you're* not going out and screaming to the rafters about how evil, unethical and criminal EQ is, are you? You simply chose not to buy it yourself. And you're not trying to run them out of business out of spite, either. :(

But really, I think that long before Tek came around and started screaming, that EQ would have known this method wasn't going to work - considering how many people complained on their bulletin board. I am honestly confident that they know that their methods need tweaking - and that they'll do it. But if they're put out of business *before* then, we'll never know, will we? :(

Hugs!!! Connie :)

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True. Most of it's open to interpretation.

As well as there are ways around using multiple activations when you reformat your drive. You can always create an image of your HD ... or you can simply copy your registry (as I'm pretty sure that's where the activation file sits) to a CD drive and reinstall that later.

With any app, there's always a way around things. :) (Of course, none of what I just said is illegal or cheating - just involves some planning!)

Hugs!!! Connie :)

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Which is why I love you! That, and your name. ;-D

Happy New Year! Ragmop/SandraKay

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Sandy Ellison

I've been lurking here for a few weeks now and have only decided to post because I think you both are being extremely unfair. I really hope you two aren't like this all the time. :-(

Sewverycreative, thanks for sticking up for the little guy! Just because those two don't like you or what you have to say doesn't mean we all feel the same. So don't listen to their catty remarks. That guy has been invading the groups I like to read too. And its time someone said something!

Maybe those two will learn how to use their delete button! :-D

Regards, Sarah in NW Florida

PS I have emailed you privately. Please let me know if you not recieved it.

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Sarah W.


oops, pardon me, I seem to have dropped the "l" in quilters. Anyone got an extra "l" floating around?

Meanwhile, the cool front has stalled and the wind has dropped. Still, it's marvelous quilting weather. I'll miss the holiday lights strung throughout the neighborhoods; the lights here will be on every night until Epiphany (Sunday next). Maybe the 3 Kings will bring more quilting goodies. ;-P

Happy New Year!

R/Sandy-- w/ black-eyed peas > Howdy!

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Sandy Ellison

It will always amaze me when people complain about the very thing they themselves do. Much like the 4th graders I deal with daily -- one will complain about how someone has stolen their colored pencils, then that same child turns around and steals someone else's pencils. It's OK for "ME" to do it, but not someone else.

Yes, I am this way all the time -- I think if you are going to hold someone to a standard then you should follow that standard yourself. Anything else would be know as hypocrisy.

And I certainly don't appreciate being called names by you. Why is someone else allowed to disagree but you want to call ME names because I disagree. You also missed part of what I wrote -- I already know how to use the delete key. And I'll use it when I want to, not when you want me to.

"Maybe those two will learn how to use their delete button! :-D" -- "THOSE TWO" smacks of "you people." And by the way, we have separate delete buttons.

But indeed, you are entitled to your opinion even though you call me names for expressing mine. Everyone is entitled to an opinion -- not just the people you agree with. Catty remarks? Please write again so that you can have the last meow.

Kay Ahr in NV

formatting link
respond to me directly, remove "WESTHI" from the email address

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Kay Ahr

I was only complaining (yes I was complaining. I admit that) that you and she were being intolerant of her posts. Doesn't she have the right to post what she has to say especially if she feels that other people are being fooled by that guy and that really the guy is a troll?

So you bitching and complaining about someone else bitching and complaining absolves you from hypocrisy? How does that work?

Where did I call you a name? I called your remarks catty, yes. because they were. Catty is when you say something slyly instead of coming right out with it. instead of just saying 'sewverycreative, shut up.' you implied that she was just bitching.

Did you think she was bitching just to be bitchy? Even after she said many times that she felt that he was being unfair to some honest people and that he was going about it in a dishonest way? You didn't even think for a minute that she might have knowledge of this guy that you didn't? Did you even bother to give her the benefit of the doubt? No you didn't.

If thats how you treat regular posters then I'm glad not one. I don't think my sensitive disposition could stand it. :-J

You're right. I should have name you by names. But as the other woman said I was trying not to presume to name names.

Is this where you call me a bitcher and complainer? :-D

I'll go back to lurking now. I'll come back later when its not so bitchy in here. :-P

Regards Sarah in NW Florida

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Sarah W.

Shall we use Kate's recipe for Troll Stew? We can cook up a batch for our New Year's Eve midnight snack--- and then discontinue this thread? No one is going to change their mind and the loving, caring, sharing, generous spirit shared by so many quilters is in danger of falling by the wayside.

Leslie, Missy & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Amen, Leslie! Amen!! Though I really can't see your wonderful spirit in any danger of falling *anywhere*!!

After this post, you can consider me truly and completely out of this thread ... and most grateful to be so!

Quilty hugs!! Connie :)

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Sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks.

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Kay Ahr

It would be inappropriate to tell you to go to L?

--pig, giggling, chortling, leaving a trail of oatmeal cookies in her wake to slow Ragmop down.....

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Megan Zurawicz

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