OT Fall down, go boom

It happened to me last night at the theater that I went to with two friends. We were directed down the wrong aisle so we had to cross over in front of the stage to get to our seats. In the dim light, I failed to notice two steps by the stage until I was crashing over them and coming down with a hard smack of my left forehead on the floor. It got scraped a bit and I soon had a good-sized goose egg on it. I'm not a pretty picture today. It is still somewhat swollen and the area below my eyebrow is puffy and what would be a lovely shade of red if it were yarn. I've been icing it with a bag of frozen corn and taking ibuprofen. I also have scrapes and bruises on my left leg from hitting the steps. I do feel lucky that I didn't break any bones.

Last night's performance consisted of three one-woman plays each written by local actresses who performed them in stand-up comedy fashion. Ironically, the first one was called "Band-Aids" and was mostly humorous tales of her life as an accident- and illness-prone actress. In my condition, I was NOT amused. One has to wonder what she thought of having to do it with a woman sitting in the second row and holding an ice pack on her forehead. I did enjoy the second piece in which the actress described her experiences working as a waitress at the Nankin Restaurant which, for several years, was "the" place to go for a Chinese meal in Minneapolis. I wasn't up to sitting there any longer so we didn't stay for the third.

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The Jonathan Lady
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So sorry that your evening at theatre was no fun :-( Have a speedy recovery!


Anna Maria

The J> It happened to me last night at the theater that I went to with two friends.

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Anna MCM

Oh Jan that must have been a real shocker. You are indeed lucky that you did not break anything. Take it easy for a while, and pamper yourself.


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Els van Dam

Ouch! I am so glad you had no injuries worse than bruising. Put your feet up and be gentle with yourself.


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Oh, DOUBLE OUCH, Jan!!! That had to be awful, especially since it wasn't even localized to one spot, and scraped & bruised you literally from head to almost feet. Probably feels today like you were run over by a truck. Keep icing it, and taking the ibuprofen, and I hope it all heals up very quickly.

It's really freaky that you were at a show called "Band Aids" when that happened (good thing the show wasn't called "Plaster Casts") I have to wonder how many people, seeing you in the second row with an ice pack, thought you were part of the play!

Hope you're feeling better by now!

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Karen in MN

OWW! Well, prepare yourself for a lot of sidelong looks once you go out; women with facial bruises always seem to elicit glances at the left hand and pitying or horrified looks. (When I fell downstairs and landed on my face a few years ago, a friend asked me whether he should get my husband a T-shirt saying "I Didn't Do It"-- My brand-new boss at work even took me aside and asked me whether he should get me some help!)

Don't be surprised if your "eyebone" hurts for a much longer time than any of the other scrapes and bruises. Deepest sympathy!


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OMG what a thing to happen, so much for health and safety rules then.

How awful for you, that will be painful for a bit won't it.

hope you feel better soon.

hugz cher

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Oh, dear, Jan, what an experience! I hope you are feeling better soon. I can identfy, as I am a true klutz when it comes to that kind of thing, but I usually do it in the privacy of my own home.

Higs, Katherine

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Thanks, Anna Maria. Although I enjoyed part of it, I would have been better off staying home.

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The Jonathan Lady

Thanks, Els. I'm being very lazy, staying home and reading a lot.

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The Jonathan Lady

Thanks Eimear. I've had worse fall so I consider myself lucky this time.

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The Jonathan Lady

Thanks, Karen. I almost felt like I should be a prop up on stage. Most of the audience was already in the theatre when I fell so it's more like I was a "prelude" to the performance. LOL

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The Jonathan Lady

Oh you poor wee lamb:((((((((((((( Take good care of yourself and make sure you are healed before you start rampaging around again:))


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Ye, I've been thinking about the "looks" I'll get and will put off going out in public as long as I can. It does help that I am retired. However, I usually volunteer on Monday afternoons at a small public library and I'm usually at the desk helping patrons that come in. I doubt I will go tomorrow.

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The Jonathan Lady

Thanks, Cher. It was extremely painful when it happened but hasn't been bad since. It is kind of worrisome though because of how hard I hit my head.

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The Jonathan Lady

Thanks, Katherine. I don't fall very often but when I do they are more apt to occur in public. I certainly had an audience for this one!

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The Jonathan Lady

I'm afraid it's kind of a Catch-22...you'll show up and people will say, Ohmigosh, now I understand why you didn't come in yesterday... ;)

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You should see if you can get part of the ticket money!

Higs, Katherine

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Thanks, Ophelia. Your "poor wee lamb" expression gave me a smile because it sounds so Scottish to me.

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The Jonathan Lady

That would be cos I am in Scotland I expect:)))


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