OT No more cigarettes

Good for you! You will feel so much better when you get it all out of your system and your lungs have a chance to heal.


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L> I know I said I was going to quit last year, but I wan't ready to give up my > habit.

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Kalera Stratton
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Linda, you are one of the strongest and most intense spirits I know. I have total faith in your ability to kick this bastard in the tobacco-stained teeth!

You GO, grrl. (with extra grrrrr) ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Shirley, you are a force for good -- in so many ways! ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

And lungs do heal -- amazingly fast. Our bodies are miraculous. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Linda, I don't know you (even though you have the same name as my sister!), but that doesn't stop me from being proud of you!

I am sooooooo happy when someone quits smoking. I've never smoked but I have family members who do/did. Both brothers smoke, and my late father smoked for years. I think that's what caused his pancreatic cancer. He'll be gone 13 years on the 27th of this month.

The only place that I go where smokers congregate is a local bowling center. Man, I *stink* when I come out of that place. I'll be so glad when this season ends.

Best of luck in your endeavor!

Cheers, Turtlelover

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I keep getting bounced e-mails from that address you gave me Linda2 so here is what I sent you...

I have some good tips from a magazine on quitting smoking. My DH wanted to quit for some time before he finally just gave it away one day out of the blue cold turkey style...

Assuming you have done this... convince yourself it is worthwhile to quit. List your reasons for wanting to quit including benefits of quitting. Review the list to strengthen your resolve every now and again. Analyze your smoking habits to figure out why and when you smoke, thus helping you to avoid these situations once you have quit.

  1. Get rid of all ashtrays, matches & lighters.
  2. Clean all your clothes.
  3. Enlist support from your friends, family and coworkers.
  4. Ask people not to smoke in your presence.
  5. Plan activities you enjoy to distract yourself.
  6. Exercise.

Coping with symptoms of withdrawal

  1. Eat low-calorie foods and drink plenty of water. Snack on raw vegetables. And exercise to keep weight gain off and to calm nerves.
  2. Avoid places and situations where you will be tempted to smoke.
  3. Fight against bad reasoning that may tempt you. eg. 'I'll smoke just today to get me through...' or 'Smoking is my only vice' ..
  4. If you are about to give in, DELAY. Waiting 10 minutes may cause the craving to pass. Sometimes the thought of never smoking again might seem overwhelming. If you feel that way, concentrate on quitting just for today.The hardest (from what I've been told) is 3days, 3weeks and
3months. However, avoid smokers and situations that may tempt you even after these times.Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can be just an occasional smoker.Resist the temptation to have 'just one cigarette.'With determination and persistence you can do it...

All the best,


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