What stitching would you take to a desert island?--on topic

I've heard of someone in Victoria who sells Orvus, but when we (the Ugly Sister and me) wash our horses, we use the big flagons of cheap stuff from discount stores. Or sometimes, we use this stuff called 'Sunlight Soap' which is big rough bars of pure yellow soap.

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Trish Brown
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Hey, Trish

I bought a humongous jug 3.4 kg 120 oz it says, for a tad under $20 USD. I have given so much away, used some, and could still start a store selling the stiff.

Believe it or not, this part of Florida is cattle country ( now declining due to the housing boom), and rodeos and FFA etc thrives.

BTW if anyone wants some, I can send a small container to you.


Reply to
Gill Murray

I don't know why people in Oz don't import Orvus, or at least make a veritable facsimile of it! It's great stuff! I used it to wash my hair and found it quite nice! Maybe people in the US are a bit more cosmetically oriented than Oz folks?

Reply to
Trish Brown

Years ago, one of my uncles, who was a doctor, would stock up on the big yellow bars of Sunlight Laundry soap whenever he came to Canada. He used it to wash his hands between patients. Apparently, at that time he couldn't buy it in the US. I'm surprised that his skin stood up to the constant use.

I keep a bar of it near my laundry tubs to pre-treat really greasy stains.


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Me too! I also use it to wash the dog. One day, DS and I manfully wrangled Miss Alice into her harness and began washing her, as usual, with a bar of yellow Sunlight. As usual, Miss Alice twisted and wiggled and tried to turn herself and us into pretzels. Eventually, having hosed off the suds, DS took Miss Alice for a long walk to dry off.

I turned to get the soap and put it away, but I couldn't find it. Thinking DS had done so, I toddled off about my business. About an hour later, DS returned with Miss Alice and, as usual, she nearly drank her bucket dry after such a strenuous walk. Time passed.

Later that afternoon, DS came running to get me.

'Mum! Mum!' he cried, 'Something's really wrong with Alice! She's throwing up and up and up all over the back yard! It looks as though she's swallowed something fluoro and she's foaming from her mouth!'

It was the bar of Sunlight Soap.

Alice had daintily picked it up just prior to leaving for her walk. She had obviously eaten it while walking along and then, combined with her big drink of water on arriving home, it had disagreed with her. She foamed for about twelve hours and has not eaten any Sunlight since that day.

Reply to
Trish Brown

"Trish Brown" wrote

Sunlight---my mum's favourite floor scrubbing soap. I did the actual scrubbing mind you, with a big bristly brusha and the aforementioned yellow bars.


Reply to
Dawne Peterson

I love Fels Naptha for laundry stains.

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

My mother used to call that "brown soap" and threaten to wash our mouths out with it.


Reply to
Dr. Brat

I wonder why she said that ???

Reply to
lucretia borgia

I'm sure I have no idea...


Reply to
Dr. Brat

Dang, but the stuff works and it's easier on my hands than other things I've tried to scrub out stains. C

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak


Cheryl Looking forward to a quiet couple of days.

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I had a sudden mental picture of you speeding up the fan as you said that and batting a few eyelids. lol

Reply to
lucretia borgia

A few? Hurrrumpffff!


Reply to
Dr. Brat

Sheena wrote

She was clearly a fastidious housekeeper, Why else??? Dawne

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

MY mother? Fastidious? *snicker* That's a good one. With seven kids, fastidious would make you crazy. LOL! I think she was a good mom, but she was definitely not fastidious.

Elizabeth (giggling)

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Dr. Brat


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Cheryl Isaak

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