Sunday and April almost gone

Thanks a bunch, Els! I'll try it as soon as I can. I've been quite upset at the prospect of limiting/stopping the knitting.


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Joy let someone in the pharmacy show you how to put the Tensor bandage on correctly, so the little ball or lump sits on the right muscles.


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Els van Dam

thanks Christine,

I thought so, but when you look in the books it is easy to confuse the two, they do balong to the same family. It is a lovelylooking plant though, I was not going to touch it was my bare hands, if I touch it at all.

Christine you have set me to thinking.


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Els van Dam

That is why i send my father a Box of Citrus fruit [ straight from Israel] very year for his birthday, And when i come to visit i bring local Soaps , dried fruit etc .... and other Usable things,,,, Any way after taking apart , 2 houses of my mother/stepfather and my In laws,, I promised myself to make it easier for my childern and i really make an effort, to give/exchnage/sell things we don`t need anymore . Not with great success , but i try. mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Oh I don't know Els, I'll snap a pic of it sometime hopefully today, so that you can see it, It has broken leaves and a flat flower head made up of lots of tiny white flowers, ours usually get to about 3feet tall, but that's cos all ours our new plants, as our farmers used to weed spray them all years back, and over the last couple of years they are all making a comeback..

hugz Cher

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LOL I'm the same, often asking myself something that I don't know, and then when I reply, I seem to suddenly know the answer, guess my thinking brain is too fast for me to compute what I've asked, but saying it outloud makes me digest and reason it out properly........well that's my excuse..

hugz cher

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I've looked up some websites: Here's some info from our Environment Agency

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this help Els

Love & higs Christine

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Christine in Kent, Garden of

My parents live in Florida for the winter so it is usually me asking them for some citrus :) They seem to like getting gift certificates to restaurants so that's what I've been giving them these days.

When I saw how much stuff they got rid of when they moved, I told them I appreciate that they did that :P


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Sounds good to me! hehehe

*hugs* Gem
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Thanks Cher for all the great pictures. I know now that what I have is not cow parsley. However, I took some great pictures of it at my daughter's cottage, last summer. It is a lovely plant. What I have is indeed a bad weed, called Hog weed. I still love the plant it is very handsome. We just have to not touch it. If it is a spreader, I have to get rid of it.

I have not done any dyeing as yet. My brother and siter in law arrived for a visite from Alberta, and this is a rather impromtu visite. We have not seen one and other for a while so I cooked up a nice dinner and we sat around and chatted to get updated on all the family news. I hope soon to find a day to do the dyeing, looking forward to it now that I have everything ready for it


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Els van Dam

formatting link
> Hope this help Els>

Christine thanks for all this information. It starts to look like this is indeed the plant that is growing on my septic field. it is a very handsome plant with lovely leaves (there are only leaves so far) The leaves do not look totally the same as the one on the website you gave me. Heracleum mantegazzianum is what they call Hog weed. So far I only have one plant and no flowers at all, so now I have to think about getting rid of it without getting any of the sap on my hands etc.

I do not think it is a good idea to use pesticides, since this is our septic field and the run off may end up in our drinking water. We see what we do here. I may ask help from the local government body on this one.


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Els van Dam

BB you should Tahnk them MANY times. Taking houses apart is a hard job,,, They saved you work and mental distress. mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

It is quite ok , How can you answer a question , if you haven`t heard anybody ask it ? mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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Thank you Mirjam - I will use the nice "goodnight" tonight in an hour or so. I have not been back to the group since Saturday - too busy doing something ??? what was it I wonder? I do not know ,but I know it kept me busy anyway???

Framk just said he is disapointed he did not get a kiss sent to him and so he just blew you a kiss - bloooooow kiiiiis. God Bless Gwen

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BB I agree with the " no stuff for gifts" I tell my DDs that they must not give me anything I haave to pick up and dust God Bless Gwen

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Gwen A new good night to you ,, and about this kiss ??? i don`t know We haven`t met ..... My Dutch family does the Chic thing .... Good night both of you :>:>:>:> mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Joan, Can you come help me after you have finished your move? I am trying desperately to downsize, but it is getting harder and harder. Every time I throw something out, DH just gets crankier and crankier. And it has to be done!

Higs, Katherine

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Katherine - The only 'person' around here to question my downsizing is Sam - a 16 year old cat - who says very little! Even my sons don't seem to care what I throw out - for them, it is much easier to throw out than pack. Both of them have their own homes and left a lot here when they moved. I'm using those big black trash bags by the dozens!! Hugs, Joan

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Joan in CT

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