OT A favor

Welcome Jo JO

and if you had stuck around AOL bead board you would have watched the nuclear meltdown...

it's a shadow of it's former self - and most of the really great beaders from that board have migrated here...

Cheryl of DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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I'm going to go off on a slight tangent here, and it's about the issue of "get over it". There's a lot of "folk wisdom" along the lines of "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" -- and it's SIMPLY NOT TRUE. Telling someone that they shouldn't go out of their way to look for slights is one thing. Telling someone that they're wrong to be hurt when someone is deliberately *trying* to hurt them just gives abusers a free ride -- not only can they say whatever they want, but if the victim gets upset IT'S HER OWN FAULT. This is *wrong*; it's part of the cultural mindset that says bullying is acceptable and that the VICTIM should adjust to it, rather than telling the bullies to adjust to civilized standards of behavior. We will probably never be completely rid of bullies -- but changing this attitude would certainly cut down on the number of them.


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Lee S. Billings

Yes. This is what drives the endless cycle of cruelty. The sense that maybe we'll somehow feel better if we 'pass it on'.

It only works to make sure the target changes from time to time, not that the atmosphere of mindless cruelty itself starts to diminish to a more bearable level.


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Deirdre S.

How about Modern Dance in the aisles, with bare feet and black leotards?


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Deirdre S.

I'm with you. I'm not into 'hierarchies of pain or oppression'.

Pain hurts. Being devalued hurts. Whether it manifests as envy or disgust, or contempt, or just being invisible.


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Deirdre S.

You go, girl!!


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Christina Peterson

they have all those muscles - very athletic. usually clean-cut and healthy . . . <

and wet

-- KarenK Desert Dreamer Designs

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Yes, yes, yes.



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Christina Peterson

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Karen_AZ" :

]>not the way i see it at all . . . ] ]they have all those muscles - very athletic. usually clean-cut and ]healthy . . . < ] ]and wet

**grin** yeah.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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spinning wheel?<

I have a rather large spinning wheel. You can definitely spin on a drop spindle but it's too tedious for me.

-- KarenK Desert Dreamer Designs

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On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 19:06:50 -0400, Diana Curtis wrote (in message ):

I live in a town where 35% of the population is over 65, and the percentage is getting larger every year. I see lots of old people. It's amazing to see the patterns of lines in the faces, and you can see the effects of a lifetime of being a miserable sourpuss. Happily, it's easy to spot a friendly old person a mile away.

P/T D's grandmother is stunninly beautiful, and not just because she was attractive as a young woman. Her kindness and cheerfulness shine like a beacon when you meet her.

I don't have wrinkles yet, but when I get them, I hope that they're the signs of a life well lived.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Ahha! Or is she really a spider?

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Christina Peterson

Sooz, where on earth did you see me calling you a bully? My point was that saying "get over it" doesn't fix anything for either side.

-- KarenK Desert Dreamer Designs

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As you walk down the street do you pause to look at the faces of your fellow travelers (on earth)? It is sad. Its rare to see a face full of contentment, much less joy. Maybe going through a 12 step program was more beneficial than I realized at the time! I think thats part of what it taught me... contentment, along with a healthier view of myself, and a feeling of freedom to keep moving forward and improving both myself and my lot in life. What a gift being an alkie gave me. Diana

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Diana Curtis

but since that is my opinion and my reality, then it is no longer subjective.. for me! right? Diana :-)

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Diana Curtis

Thanks rainbow! personally i like old hippies that remained hippyish. I appreciate you relating your tale. Its great! Diana

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Diana Curtis

Right on! healthy is sexy... healthy feels good and it shows! Diana

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Diana Curtis

I wouldn't begin to know where to look -- but I'll bet someone in alt.startrek.creative could point you in the right direction. If that fails, get back to me and I'll ask another friend who moderates a sex-stories group.


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Lee S. Billings

When I see a sour old person like that, I always think of the old parental admonition "If you keep making those ugly faces, your face will freeze that way!" People don't realize that this is TRUE -- it just takes a long time.


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Lee S. Billings

What a great tale.. thank you. You do loose points for lateness but not many, and you can make them up later in the year. lol Its an interesting path you took here, and to lampwork, but I am so glad you made the journey! Does one spin silk in much the same way wool is spun? drop spinner thingy ?? spinning wheel? Di

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Diana Curtis

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