a small RANT, if you will

FYI: I happen to be one of those left-wing LIBERAL types, I guess, who believes that charity begins at home. Before a single penny of mine goes overseas, I feel there are enough tragic situations right here in North America that need dire attention. Long before the hurricanes, and the fires, and the droughts, and the floods, the Appalachian people right here in the USA were STARVING.... And, all along, I've made Children's Hospitals and VA Hospitals and VA Homes MY charity of choice. So, don't jump all over me because my opinion differs from yours, others here are a hellova LOT MORE opinionated than I am, and you don't call them out on it. Noreen slamming the door.

Reply to
The YarnWright
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I am not going to argue with someone that is a better knitter than I am! She might be the "Knitting Goddess", or maybe the traditional witch's magic wand was really a knitting needle!

Too bad POTUS does not know her as SWMBO!

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On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 18:38:24 -0600, "The YarnWright" spewed forth :

Yep. Move over, chick and make some room on the roost. Thanks for reminding me - my kid has outgrown another pair of shoes; I need to get them washed and send them off to the rez. I should dig thru the cedar chest for caps, too, and see what else in there those poor folks on Pine Ridge can use during hte winter than I can't.


Reply to the list as I do not publish an email address to USENET. This practice has cut my spam by more than 95%. Of course, I did have to abandon a perfectly good email account...

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Hey, go ahead and rant! My charities are right here in Canada. There are plenty of kids who go to school without breakfast, and my extra knitting goes to my church for distribution. I think that many people will agree with you that charity does begin at home.

Higs, Kather> FYI:

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Noreen, I so hate discord that I was distressed when I saw this post. I searched to find what had upset you and who might've "called you out" on your opinion and found the discussion RE the teddies for tragedies.

I won't take a side on this disagreement except to say that I thought it a lovely idea to make teddies for ANY children. On reading about the endeavor was immediately reminded that the police/emergency departments in a nearby city keep a supply of teddies for children hit by any trauma (fire, violence, etc.)

I won't comment on Haiti, on it's history or present-day condition ... or on your opinion about it. Nor will I say I agree or disagree. However, I will mention that your immediate reaction on reading about the teddies was that the charity should begin with Americans and with those in need "here at home." I mention this because you're addressing a woman (nbjess) who is Canadian. If she were to keep her endeavor concentrated "at home," the teddies would be going to Canadian children.

This is a global site and a global community. We cannot maintain the friendships we've found here if we don't always remember that we're all different, not all from the same place, not all of the same opinion, and not all the same. That's the very heart of what makes us friends

-- that we ARE different but that we share common interests, likes and concerns.

Please feel better. Perhaps it's the flu still making you feel lousy to take the comments so hard. I don't think anybody was wanting to upset or hurt you.

I send you hugs for your soul and chicken soup for your flu, Eve

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I guess I am coming out and saying more tonight than I have in a while but I totally agree with you. Like Katherine my charities are here in Canda. Most of my knitting and crocheting goes to charity and I know that it makes people smile which is the most important thing. I have received a number of hugs when dropping off my items and know that the hug or smile is my payment for doing something that I love and also being able to find a source for my finished projects.

I understand that people want to help everyone around the world but sometimes I think if we can even help one group of people or even one person with our skill that's the best thing we can do. If each of us could just help one person we have made a good contribution.

Ok I'm going back into hiding now as well.

Darlene in Toronto

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Noreen... I didn't jump all over you. I simply stated that I felt that I thought (my opinion) that giving teddies to ALL children is the best, simply because there are so many children throughout the entire world who could use a teddy (or anything soft) to cuddle for whatever reason their location brings about... be it poverty, disasters, wars, illnesses, or whatever.

I too give (when I can) locally (to me it is in Ontario, Canada) first and formost, because I know that there are a lot of people needing assistance that we simply do not hear about. If I could afford the postage I would happily donate to other countries as well, most especially innocent little children no matter where they may be. If the person who posted the original message about the teddies can afford to send off teddies (or anything else) to other countries, then I am happy for her and for the recipients of the gifts... and her donations to the other country shouldn't seem to be made unimportant because they aren't being donated to "AMERICAN" children, as you put it. I figure if a donation is being made to a child, it shouldn't matter where that child is from... and afterall, who is to say that the same person doesn't donate to local charities as well?

Said my piece, and will now shut up about it.


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It happens again...... it is the same ones who always cause a problem with snotty replies to messages then they post a newer post to continue the argument. If ya don't like the original posters idea, then ignore it. Why make someone feel bad?

Back to lurkdome.


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On 8 Feb 2006 11:48:28 -0800, snipped-for-privacy@hotmail.com spewed forth :

And you aren't contributing to a situation you perceive as a problem in making snide little comments such as in your post?

*sigh* And people wonder why I don't contribute/participate in any fiber groups these days. +++++++++++++

Reply to the list as I do not publish an email address to USENET. This practice has cut my spam by more than 95%. Of course, I did have to abandon a perfectly good email account...

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In reply to some of the Rant.....I agree there are lots of charities and needs in North America..starving children etc.. I am sorry I dont have money to give like you people do.. I can howerver knit teddy bears for little children who have NOTHING to play with or hold. How many North American Children have NO store bought toys ... would they appreciate a hand knit teddy.. I know here the fire department and police departments have nice soft fuzzy store bought teddies for the children. When I started knitting them I had no idea where they were going until a doctor going to Haiti to help little kids asked to have some. If you know any children here in Canada or US that have nothing, live in a dump..never see toys please let me know. I am not a Knitting Goddess..just someone who likes to knit and gives from the goodness of my heart. Looking for nothing in return. A lot of friends and neighbours have donated yarn and stuffing and made bags for these bears also asking nothing in return. Sorry to ruffle some of your uppercrust feathers.

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Church ? I didn't think Christians were picky who they helped! Wether it be in their own door yard or around the world..

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So Darlene in Toronto is looking for payment...(( I have received a number of hugs when dropping off my items and know that the hug or smile is my payment for doing something that I love )) I am not looking for payment..this I do because I love knitting the teddies..and it is giving from MY heart and wanting NOTHING in return.

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I am not looking for payment. Hugs are just a nice thank you.

I love knitting and crocheting.

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Does the term "Practise what you preach" ring any bells? FYI, I was clarifying something, and Noreen emailed me off-list that apparently it wasn't even ME who jumped all over her, if it were any of your concern.

Your *real* name wouldn't happen to be JaneB, would it? Time to find my ignore button again, I see.


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I do donate to local charities when I can..and I DID NOT PAY FOR ANY POSTAGE TO SEND THE TEDDIES.. A group of "Helping Hands for Haiti" health care workers are travelling there on Feb 11th and have donated sports bag to pack them in..and they are shipping them with their own suitcases.. Sorry to dissapoint everyone..Anything I could donated is my time and a lot of left over yarn from years gone by.

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Tell me Please..Are there any underprivelaged Children in Canada that need a toy.Like the Dump Children of Mexico, Orphans in Romania, Underpriveleged country kids in Haiti?? Please let us know..If there is a cause we will surely put it on our list to knit for them. Find us someone to pick up and deliver them (as we have no money) and we would be happy to make them. Now we arent talking about kids who have toys bought in the store and thrown in the corner. We want little children who have NOTHING to have a teddy to hold and play with..something they can call their own.

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You have not disappointed me in any way, shape or form. I was very pleased to read about the teddies you make for little children, regardless where the children live. Sorry if I was misunderstood when I made the comment that you might pay for the postage... I simply said that maybe you could afford to pay the postage, and if I could afford to I would do it too. It's wonderful that you have some people who can help get the teddies to the children.

I am certainly not "upper crust" by any means... in fact I receive Social Assistance while waiting to be approved for Disability. The only place that I know of (I will look into it though, as I seem to remember when my son went to the Catholic school, they used to send things (school supplies, if I am remembering correctly) off to places like Haiti, etc) in my area that would be happy to receive any homemade items (scarves, hats, mittens, toys, etc) for needy children and adults, is The Inn of The Good Shepherd in the nearby city. I donated some knitted slippers that I had made, as well as a couple of scarves sent to me for this cause by a friend on RCTY, to them just before Christmas and they were so thrilled to receive them. Contact House in my town also were happy to get a bag of slippers to give out as gifts to the children on their list. Although normally Contact House is mainly for collecting food items for the needy, at Christmas they were happy to have the slippers too.

I am sure that your teddies will be a welcome gift for the little children in Haiti.

Gemini (Ontario, Canada)

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I get a feeling I may have been the one who offended Noreen. I didn't mean to, and was only pointing out that a comment was made that included an incorrect generalization of an entire island's people. I didn't mean for it to come off as attacking or inflamatory. All I meant to do was provide correct information where the people were concerned. I thought I did so calmly, factually, and without bias or rudeness. Apparently, I was wrong. If panties were bunched because of it, I don't see as I can be blamed. If someone wishes to find me at fault, fine. I can't change their mind, and the past is done. I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

On to other things, please.


Orig> Hey, gang!

So I said:

Reply to
Teacher Gal

It would be extremely helpful if you would include a reference to which post you are replying to. We are not mind readers. Please post the piece/sentence/paragraph where Darlene said she was looking for payment. I don't recall reading that anywhere.

Are you new to posting on Usenet? If you need help to reply to a post so you can include sentences etc you want to reference, let us know and we can show you how to do it. ;>)


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I'm sure there are lots of them in almost every city/town in the country. I know in Winnipeg, there is the Winnipeg Harvest which helps to feed the poor. I'm sure they would know of children needing a teddy. Same with any of the hospitals. I don't have specific information right now, but can try to find out.


Like the Dump Children of Mexico, Orphans in Romania,

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