OT: Innocent?

There *was* a German resistance movement. It was small, and the government was very effective at infiltrating it and quashing it. But there was resistance, there were attempts on Hitler's life, remember.

I'll have to go look to get exact details, but one of my students did a research project on the resistance movement and found that there were two problems: the Nazis were effective at quashing it and the movement was ineffective at getting outside help (the Americans, for example, gave it almost no help at all).


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Dr. Brat
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I don't watch every train it's true, but I do notice the trains and what they are carrying (mostly containers now) and they were carrying humans quite noticeably back then in cattle trucks.

In an effort to understand I have tried to break it down into a local context and I maintain, I would have known something distinctly bad was going on.

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

Oh I thought you went back to Honda after the accident with the last one. Well stick it in that. :-))

Sharon (N.B.) ............................................................................ ..

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Yup ...... and I don't either. She can buy all the expensive clothes in the world and try to look good and even act good - but we all know what she was. Oh well she got what she wanted - hope those ears keep her warm at night. :-))

Sharon (N.B.) ............................................................................ ....


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I recall there was one attempt on Hitler's life which ended disastrously for the perpetrators. However, I am hard put to believe that people such as you, or myself, would not have risen up in the numbers needed to at least make notable waves.

I will be interested to hear what you find, I don't recall much about Germans protesting Hitler and his ilk, not until after the war anyway. I have read fairly recently, that the French Resistance, was not exactly as we believe it to have been.

In the end, who knows really? We are talking about events more than half a century ago. I really was making the point for the OP that incredibly there are some elderly beings like three of us, Pat, Gill and myself who have a clear memory of the war years and what it meant. We are still here, clinging to life, in our dotage...right, I'll cease and desist now lol

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

Soon - as soon as my quilt shows are over and it cools down a bit. What with hot flashes and this heat, I go into 'murder mode' more often these days. :-))

Sharon (N.B.) ............................................................................ ..

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Have a good trip Mirjam - wherever that may be.

Sharon (N.B.) ..........................................................................

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Now you are impugning my record! Let's be clear, the two accidents with the Honda were all the fault of the male drivers involved. One in a truck ran into the back of my car, the other a neighbour, somehow ran over my Civic with his truck while my Civic was parked in my driveway and I lay sleeping in my bed.

I wanted another Honda but the deal offered on the Nissan was just too good for me to turn down. Now 13,194k later, I admit, the Nissan is a great car too and never skipped a beat.

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

Well it delivered you home quite safely ... with the help of your co-pilot reminding you about the speeding fines - so we're glad of that. (I was just trying to get you into trouble mentioning the word accident.) HeHe

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"Lucretia Borgia" wrote

No---I want that job!! And I'm qualified-- I often say " oh my God!" when reading her posts. How'd ya think I'd look with little wings as Pat's guardian angel??? (Oh my God!!!!) Dawne

Reply to
Dawne Peterson

What are you doing about the poor Iraqis? How about the plight of the Palestinians, or the various horrors in Africa? Are you involved with the Haitians? Cuba had had it pretty rough for awhile. There are plenty of people who need someone to rise up and help them. Judy

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Well, there were always the exceptions - too few, unfortunately. Of course, if you were German at that time, they would have been called traitors! Funny old world.

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

Perfectly true - and much as the duspicion of Muslims is growing today, I`m sure we wouldn`t let the same situation arise here.

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

I have protested the takeover of Iraq and hope I was a little part of the reason Canada is not there.

I have frequently tried to remind people that Palestinians are suffering a holocaust.

I have contributed money to Haiti - going there physically is out for me, I am past the age where I could be of much use, rather, I would be in the way.

Cuba still has it very rough. While they do have a state run medical system the doctors are only as good as the medicine that is available to be prescribed - Canadians in general and a couple of my kids have gone with a suitcase full of aspirin, soap, toothpaste, clothes and school supplies, likewise to the Dominican Republic.

Africa ? I have contributed money but probably am guilty there of being as helpless as the rest of the world.

What have you done recently ? Any better than I have ?

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

What you've been saying about the apathy of the German people when cattle cars full of humans were passing by is one of the reasons Mirjam, and others, are so noisy about it now. They believe in their hearts and souls that if they keep these terrible memories alive it's possible that at least some people will act up if something like this ever should happen again.

Sadly, there are more places with problems than there are people who try to help make things better.


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Not nearly as well as you. I was pointing out that horrors still continue and people still are not rising up and stopping them. I am happy to read that there are some things being done. I am not that surprised that a Canadian wrote it. I have always had high regard for Canadians in general. Judy

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Sent my cousin on a medical mission to teach AIDS prevention in Rwanda. Since I can't go myself, the best I can do is send support her way.

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Karen C - California

We were all very proud of her.


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