was Sunday April 2nd

Hello everyone for yesterday. Sunday is well and truly over - it is Monday afteernoon but I have just had time to say I had a wonderful Sunday.

We were free to do as we liked as John has now gone to Newcastle to an assisted care place. So we got up fairly early and just went for a drive where the mood took us. We went up to places called Springbrook and Best of all Lookouts. It is way up in the hinterland - only about 40 minutes drive I suppose but took longer as we dallied on the way.

We had a devonshire morning tea and enjoyed every mouthful and then went for long walks in the tropical rainforst and later had a lovely lunch and finally hom about 5 in the evening. It was a perfect autumn day- sunshine - no wind - not hot - not cold and the birds were singing and all was right with the world.

So that had to be a perfect sunday and I hope you all had such a day God Bless Gwen

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I am glad you had a great Sunday. It sounded like a lovely and relaxing day.


Gwen wrote:

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Hello Gwen, bij now you must be into Tuesday....and with all the clocks going forward, it becomes even more interesting. You must feel good that your friend is now in care, where you do not need to worrie anymore if he will be fine or not. Sounds like you had a great Sunday, Good to hear from you, I missed you in the Sunday lineup....LOL


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Els van Dam

Thank you Els - it is now *Friday* and I have not been back since Monday as DD #2 has been here for a couple of days - or should that read nights - as we have been driving her to "work" each day - she is up here from Melbourne doing a series of clinics in dressage and attending the National titles so we have been very pleasantly busy God Bless Gwen

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