OT - my life just to let you all know (LONG)

Well, it's been an interesting week to say the least. Saturday was my b-day (all of 32 even though I don't feel like it) Went out to eat (Mongolian grill, pretty good) and relaxed. Went out with DH's parents on monday to a buffet (combo anniversary, would have gone tuesday but grandma had to go in to get her back fused - hope it helps her) (she's still in the hospital for another day or two) DH and I went to a "fancy" restaurant on tuesday for "US" (first time in 7 years to do something like that) It was OK even though I think the soup would have been really good on biscuits (tasted like chicken gravy) But the escargot were delicious! The oldest girl's in first grade this year. Like school except they're making her mind. But she gets lunch there and THREE recesses!! (she keeps mentioning this) And then to top it all off, oldest son got bit my a dog yesterday. He keeps sneaking out of the house when I'm not looking (Hey, I've got to use the bathroom once in a while! or was I doing dishes?) Noticed he was gone and then heard him crying all the way home. Nice big puncture on the back of his knee. Luckily missed anything major, not much blood but still a pretty good bite. Dad took him into to dr's where they cleaned it up and he got 12+ stitches. He's off to see his normal dr today so they can take a better look at it. The officer said there wasn't really anything they could do since the dog was in the neighbors back yard and they didn't want Ron over there anyways. Whatever. And they have little kids at their house (they also let them play in the street so I guess that says something) I don't like the kids playing outside by themselves for just these reasons but no one else seems to care. But, they've popped out all their screens and Ron's bound and determined that HE'S GONNA BE OUTSIDE!!!! Even if it means jumping out a window when I'm not looking to do it. Hopefully this will help him understand why I don't want him out there.

So, for some reason, haven't had much time to bead. Thinking about making a bunch of post earrings (If I buy about $140 worth of "stuff" I'll have enough to make about 200 pairs of earrings) Couple of lighter orders. Had someone that wanted a car mirror hangy thing (is there a technical term for those?) all the usual. Lately though, if I have any free time all I want to do is sleep (note to self, if getting up at 7am DON'T go to bed at


Just catching up. Thanks for reading this.


Helen C

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Helen C
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Hi! Sorry about the dog bite / escape artist ...

Hope he recovers without forgetting how it happened...


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Lisa Kisner" :

]The only suggestion I can give is to talk to him, tell him exactly why he ]shouldn't disappear. Then if that doesn't work........be ready to go bald ]by the time your 40 (grin).

i think Helen has a "Johnny". **sigh** they are wonderful and incredibly loveable . . . but my gray hair was almost complete by the time i was 40. they drive teachers and administrators wild. but they are a wonder to behold.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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And only if he wasn't so damned smart! And sneaky. I feel sorry for the kindergarten teachers this year (wishing they started with the rest of them, just to give him something to do)

12 cylinder kid in a 4 cylinder world. LOOK OUT!!!!


Helen C

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Helen C

Happy birthday to a fellow Virgo! Sounds like you have had your hands full, Helen. (((((hugs)))))

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Kandice Seeber

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Helen C" :

]12 cylinder kid in a 4 cylinder world. LOOK OUT!!!!

you have a loooooooong road of you, dear. but it IS worth it if you can keep them living long enough!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Helen C" :

]Is creative use of duct tape legal? Any ideas?

we actually had a bunch of teenagers do that to one young man who was being a real PITA and whose mother refused to do anything about him . . . but it's really not recommended **chuckle**

]Life ]is wonderful, it's a beautiful day and I love my job (chanting over and over ]and over)(also...I love my kids...I love my kids.....etc)

oh, honey. been there SO many times. i wish i DID have some suggestions. the only thing i could do was to keep him as BUSY as possible so that he was too TIRED to do anything but sleep at night!

alarms on windows and doors???

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Happy Belated Birthday Helen! Glad your son's ok! Sounds like he keep you on your toes!!

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Polyclay? It's very inexpensive and Sculpey works almost like playdough. You can go even cheaper and make your own playdough. Or messy paper mache(sp?)? It might be messy, but it would occupy him for a long time.

Valerie Website:

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Helen C" :

]If ]anyone needed a hobby, it's this boy! Lego's just don't seem to be cutting ]it. I'm also just hoping it'll get better as he gets older and better able ]to comprehend more complex things. Already can write his name and knows his ]alphabet and can sorta read. Any suggestions for at home (very) low cost ]things to do with him would be greatly appreciated!

i'm thinking on it, Helen - not ignoring you! he needs something really active to wear him out. some sort of soccer team? i don't care that much for soccer, but they do a LOT of running!

some of Jamie's teacher's had her do pushups or run around the track before class, so she could then sit still. [trust me - when she left

6th grade, she got an award, signed by every one of her teachers, as the child LEAST likely to be found in her seat]

give me a chance to talk to Jamie and Johnny and see what we can come up with.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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This sounds like a great idea. If anyone would know, it would be someone who remembers what it was like to -be- that way.

And what a pity our 'sit there quietly' expectation of kids penalizes them for having that much eagerness and energy.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Deirdre S. :

]And what a pity our 'sit there quietly' expectation of kids penalizes ]them for having that much eagerness and energy.

amen! Montessori schools were perfect for my kids. unfortunately, they are also expensive, so i couldn't afford them for very long.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Deirdre S. :

]How about doing something on the far side of the room, so you can see ]him, but not watch him work the puzzle...

like beading?

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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I wish we'd get over the idea of 'standardized' education, and offer more options in public schools.

One-size-fits-all means we wind up deforming a whole lot of square pegs in order to jam them into round holes.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Deirdre S. :

]Now, why would she want to do something like that? ] ]Deirdre ] ]On Fri, 05 Sep 2003 12:10:06 -0700, vj wrote: ] ]>]How about doing something on the far side of the room, so you can see ]>]him, but not watch him work the puzzle... ]>

]>like beading?


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.compuppies (Dr. Sooz) :

]>a car mirror hangy thing (is there a technical term for ]>those?) ] ]That *is* the technical term for those....isn't it? :-D

exactly, Sooz. but a word of warning to all. in almost every state, hanging something from your rear view mirror is illegal. most of the time, that is ignored. BUT if law enforcement WANTS to stop you, they can use that as an excuse.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Deirdre S. :

]One-size-fits-all means we wind up deforming a whole lot of square ]pegs in order to jam them into round holes.

no kidding! or wind up with a lot of juvenile delinquents who rebel at being "jammed".

i just barely escaped that part with my two. i still thank all the gods for SPD!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Christina Peterson" :

]A good aspect about martial arts is the emphasis on discipline and respect.


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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I hear you. But, dressing out of the drier is an efficient way to live.


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Deirdre S.

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.compuppies (Dr. Sooz) :

]Yes. And if you have one of those lead crystal prisms hanging from your rear ]view mirror, REMOVE IT NOW. Not only can they blind you (dangerous when ]driving) with a shaft of pure refracted light, they can put a nice webwork of ]shatter in your windshield if you stop suddenly. Put the pretty prism ]SOMEWHERE ELSE.

exactly why i don't use the crystal in the smaller dreamcatchers. only the ones i know are too big for anything except hanging in a window.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you;it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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