OT: Innocent?

Nicole , Don`t you just reverse the facts ??? The shooting in London happened Because Terrorists Kill Everybody , that is in a certain place, aiming at numbers, not caring who they kill. You should Condemm the Terrorsts , who make it neccessary , that police have to be suspicious, and might kill By mistake some [more ] innocent people .... Another Goal the terrorists aim at , Distrust and chaos. Welcome to the world , to the new dark ages. mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen
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Yes Nicole this is a sad world ,, amny many people die because they are at the wrong moment in the wrong place . Many a times people are killed because they have a different look..... Bythe way Where do you live ? Have yiu ever been in a situation where Guns, bombs , police , Public allert , panic , caution,,,, all of the above or one of them ???? If Not Please Don`t judge others , who are and have had to make their [ possible more learned ] decission. and even if you were , in such places , every case is different . mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Which facts exactly? That killing people is never right? Or that a war on terror will never be won? (You don't believe me? Look at Israel and Palestinia, that "war" has been going on for ever and it's not about to stop. Yes there is progress but it's extremely slow and I highly doubt there will be a time in the near future when those two countries will get along peacefully)

Yes. But that does not mean that now the police is entitled to do the same basic thing, except choosing targets that "look" suspicious. Nobody should just get shot because "I didn't like the looks of him."

Yep. It's nothing new really. Humans have a tendency to mindlessly attac eachother without interference from the brain :-/ I guess it comes with the hormones and the bodies... Opposable thumbs may not have been such a good idea after all..

cu nicole

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As you can see from my email adress I'm from germany. Where just a few decades ago some not so bright person thought it would be a jolly good idea to slaughter people because of their skincolor or their religion.

So please, don't tell me to shut up and bugger off. Not with the history of my country behind me, not with the history of my nation behind me. We as a nation have heaped such a tremendous amount of guilt on ourselves by standing by while millions where tortured and killed I personally am just not prepared to see this kind of behaviour happen again anywhere on this planet.

Hitler went after the jews, the gypsies, the gay and everything "not arian". I really do not want to see another country start a war on muslims or black skinned people or, as it were, people who wear suspicious clothing.

cu nicole

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I've been following your posts with interest. I wanted to ask what type embroidery you do? I have learned Schwalm from Fernau and am interested to know (if you even are aware) if there are other unique embroideries of Germany that haven't reached the mainstream as yet.


Reply to
Dianne Lewandowski

No, but nor do you or your government, clearly.

You have no evidence that these methods actually prevent killings in the long run. It's a simple enough matter for the terrorists to simply send out more agents to do their work as a way around the methods you mention. Nor have I seen any evidence of "seeking the sources" in a meaningful fashion.

I can't say that the societies that employ the methods you mention are societies in which I would want to live. I find the fence building especially abhorent. You as a country have created your own problem by taking people's land and water and now you exacerbate that problem by building fences to keep out the terrorists and the innocent alike.

Don't lecture me, Mirjam, about whether I have better ideas, when all of yours have failed.


Reply to
Dr. Brat

because he was miffed at being left off the team?

um, the Ghost of Lady Di?


Reply to
Karen C - California

Nicole , Good morning

You reversed the facts , by condemming or lamenting about the Police`s behaviour , instead of condemming the Terrorists`s behaviour.

Killing People is never right , still all Law establishments acknowledge 'Self Deffence " killing. And some countries still have a Death penalty.

Have you looked at my Adress????? every day and night Missiles are shot at peaceful villages in the south . Last week we had a terror act in Netanya, one of friends a peace working man , who was in constant talks with Arafat himself , was blown up in resturant in our neighbourhood . We take precautions against terrorists,,,,But i live in a city that has mixed communities and YES i DO belive that some day we will have some kind of Peace . In order for our neighbours to becaome a Country , thay have to want it very much. and work more towards Civil needs. I don`t look at this from the outside i live it daily.

Basicly you are right , but alas it happenes. in the Irish -British fights , several times , innocent people were shot . Did you complain at the time.??? The British Police will learn and train for such situations and still it might happen.

So why are you so surprised ? suddenly ?

Please explain what you mean ? mirjam ps you are invited to look at my site

formatting link

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Had you looked better at my email , and at my birth name ,you would have seen that i am Very well aware of what your people did to my people. And it was not because he was `not so bright` [otherwise how come he managed to enlist a whole nation.?], >

In no way did i tell you to bugger off , nore to shut up , That is not my way. I only pointed out to you,1. that you condemmed the police , but not the terrorits!!! 2. That incidents like this should be judged by what happens on the spot, when the people around feel they are in imidiate danger. And by a faraway looker safely in his/her house.

It is nice to `meet` a German with a concious. But there is not so much comaprisson , the Nazies killed people who didn`t threaten them. The terrorists kill inoncent people who didn`t threaten them ,, you should support the forces who oppose Terror and not with those who try to kill more people. I would have been more impressed by your reaction , had you also included one word of Feeling sorry for the Victims of Terror.

If by writing ~"This kind of Behaviour..." you relate to the police`s beahaviour ! you haven`t learned the lesson, you say you learned. The "this Kind of behaviour" you should CONDEMM is the behaviour of the Terrorists."

I tottaly agree with your wish , But may i remind you that Most terror acts in the world are now done by fundamenatalists , who claim it is done in the name of a certain religion. And may i remind you , that those people Already Strated the War against all the others.... who are different than they are. Are we allowed to deffend our lives? against Those terrorists? Whose ideology isn`t very far from the one you condemm. This time the Police and other State forces are on the Good side. mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Sorry Elizabeth !!!! I didn`t lecture you , i honestly asked you if you have an other idea? A better idea?. I am not going into a debate with you. And it is not about my government, which is now doing a brave step to forward possible peace.

Well you can say what you want , but we do minimalize the killings. some hundred of persons who have been caught with the bombs on their body , or in their bags, and have been sent to prison , instead of heaven , prooves that it helps. , EVERY LIFE SAVED IS A LIFE SAVED in this kinds of wars , this a Great Winning , and the only one possible. mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Hi Dianne.

I can do crossstich, but I'm afraid I do it rather badly :-( However I tat and do bobbinlace, I knit and sew I can crochet but prefer not to (The needle always slips out when I'm putting it down somewhere and the last rows unravel, I hate that). I would love to be able to do what we call "Weissstickerei" (You stitch "pictures", mostly flowers I think, with white thread on fine white linen.) I think it looks really awesome, but since I always have trouble hiding my ends and generally making the back of my embroidery look halfway decent, it's really not the thing for me :-(

I have drooled over the really old stich designs in books at the library, it's mostly flowers done in the cross stitch but not crosstiched if that makes any sense? Usually only one or two colors are used. Traditional costumes usually are embroidered with those designs and since I used to do a lot of Live Roleplaying (fantasy bordering on mideival reenactment) I wanted to embroider the sleves of a dress and the hem of an apron but never got around to it and now that I have my Son I haven't been to a "LARP" (Live Action Roleplaying) event in nearly

5 years :-(

cu nicole

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Elizabeth /dr Brat I was thinking of you lately , first i wondered how long it will take you to join into this debate. And second i was reading a very interesting site about one of my Great Uncles, And remembered we deabted all minds of political terms. I can send you the site , but i could not open much English parts in it. Anyway please appriciate that i was relating to your intelectual side. mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Again: He was not a terrorist. He was a young man as innocent as you and me.

Yes. That still doesn't make this right. Two wrongs will never make a right. Never ever. The young man in question was not killed in self defence. He was not armed! All he did was wear the wrong clothes and unfortunately he was not white.

Yes, I have and that's why I can not, for the life of me, understand why you would say that killing this innocent man was a good thing.

How much do YOU want it. How much do YOU work on it though? How much does all of Israel want this peace? I know that there's a whole lot of bombings happening in your country and I am so sad and so .. I don't even have words for what I feel about all this..

But what I do think every time I see the pictures of yet another bombing is this: Both sides say "We're only retaliating. They killed xx of our people only yesterday. We're only taking revenge." How much more revenge does one country need? Where does it stop? Two wrongs don't make a right. Everybody on this planet has people who love them and care for them. Imagine what would happen if the parents of those killed in london went out and killed the parents of the bombers and their relatives went out to kill the relatives of the original victims and so on and so on. Where would it ever stop?

No. Because I was about 12 at the time and was not exactly keen on international politics.

I'm not. Not suddenly anyway. I'm just always stunned at how quickly everyone is in favour of killing people who _did nothing wrong_ just because the might one day.

Opposable thumbs is what sets humans apart from most other species. It's what enables us to use tools and weapons. It's basically thought that because we have opposable thumbs we were able to evolve the way we did, learning, growing "better" brains, making better tools, surviving...

Somehow this link doesn't work :-(

cu nicole

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Nicole when you stop crocheting , take the needle out of the loop , Pull the loop a bit longer and knot it with the yarn you work with . When you want to resume Crochrting open the knot , put needle in loop and make it narrower to needle `s size .


Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

It's pretty much proved that Hitler had a whole lot of mental problems. He wasn't an intelligent man, he just had intelligent men behind him pushing him up, which is even worse really.

We're not talking about a terrorist though. We are talking about a young man who lost his life to _five_ shots to the head while being pinned down. If he had been a terrorist it wouldn't make killing him more right though. Capturing him and putting him before a court, giving him a fair trial and then possibly locking him up for a very long time is one thing but killing someone on the spot with five shots that's not even "in the heat of passion" (this doesn't sound right but it's what my dictionary says....) anymore.

Trust me there's a majority of germany like me. You just don't hear about us as much because the press isn't interested in telling the world about 3 Million people minding their own bussines taking care of their families, they much prefer telling the world about 100 Neonazis marching up and down mainstreets shouting hate sloagans :-/ (and 300 leftwingers being held back by the police so they don't attack the Neonazis and therefore letting the whole situation get so out of control we'd end up with burning cars and houses and lots of casualties)

I didn't compare the terrorists with those people Hitler killed. I am comparing muslims with jews basically.

I am all for controlling terror and capturing terrorists and giving them fair trials. But when I hear about people being killed just because they happen to "look like a terrorist"...

I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm writing about what I think is wrong. I don't think there are many people who don't feel compassion for the victims families. I don't think there are many people who don't in some way grieve the losses. I just don't think grieving the losses warrants the kind of reactions witnessed around the attacks.

I don't think it's OK to shout at dark skinned people "Because of you all this is happening!" or "All Muslims are evil".

He was not a terrorist. How many more times will I have to write this? An innocent man was killed and everybody is cheering because of it! Why don't you grieve for the loss of his life?!

Yep. By FUNDAMENTALISTS. Not by normal muslims who pray 5 times a day and go to their services and abide by the rules of their prophets. I'm sure the muslim running the "shop next door" isn't going to run into a subway station with a bomb strapped to himself. I'm sure he's grieving the losses just as we are and yet I think he is much more scared of going out into the street than most of us because right now there are so many people who believe that every muslim and every dark skinned person is a potential suicide bomber. I don't know how many non white people have been attacked in the last weeks by people who thought it's OK because "They're behind all this anyway" "Because they just can't be trusted".

Not when it's suddenly OK to shoot people just because they _might_ be dangerous, just because they _look_ suspicious, just because they are different.

cu nicole

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What an idea! Thank you so much I've been getting sooooooooo frustrated with crocheting because of this unravelling. I'll write it down in my notes&tips. I can't believe I never thought of doing that! When I run out of thread when knitting and have to go and find a new ball (either because I'm away or because I've really run out alltogether and have to make a trip to the yarn shop) I knot a tail of different thread to the end of the thread I'm working with, or, when I don't have that I just knot it to the still dangling thread I started casting on with, and because I don't use straight needles much (I inherited my Grandmothers needles and they're mostly circulars or have those plastic flexible ends like curculars cut in half with a stopper on the end) I draw the knitting onto the flexible bits and I haven't lost a stich yet :-)

cu nicole

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*lol* serves me right to copy and paste without thinking, isarel can't work. I've found it now :-)
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When people ask that question, Mirjam, it is always rhetorical. You ask it because you know that nobody has a better idea. But not having a beter solution to terrorism does not necessarily justify the poor actions currently being taken.

Good. Hold to that, will you? Since you're not debating me, I deleted the rest of your post, which I can only take as another lecture.


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Dr. Brat

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